ISO C 200X Proposal:
Directory Handling Functions

By David R. Tribble

Revision 1.7, 2006-03-10


 Cover Sheet

                           C200X Revision Proposal

   Title:              Directory Handling Functions
   Author:             David R. Tribble
   Author Affiliation: Self
   Postal Address:     ***************
   Telephone Number:   ***************
   E-mail Address:
   Sponsor:            _____________
   Revision:           1.7, 2006-03-10
   Supersedes:         1.6, 2006-03-07
   Proposal Category:
      __ Editorial change/non-normative contribution
      __ Correction
      X_ New feature
      __ Addition to obsolescent feature list
      __ Addition to Future Directions
      __ Other (please specify)  ______________________________
   Area of Standard Affected:
      __ Environment
      __ Language
      __ Preprocessor
      X_ Library
         X_ Macro/typedef/tag name
         X_ Function
         X_ Header
         __ Other (please specify)  ______________________________  
   Prior Art:
        The POSIX functions opendir(), readdir(), et al.
        The Microsoft Win32 functions FindFirstFile() and
        FindNextFile().  Various other operating systems provide
        similar functionality (VMS, MS-DOS, MacOS, etc.).
   Target Audience:  _____________________________________________
   Related Documents (if any): None.
   Proposal Attached: X_ Yes __ No, but what's your interest?
        The addition of the concept of "directory" to complement the
        existing concept of "file" (I/O stream).  The addition of
        standard functions providing the capability to create and
        search directories, and functions for manipulating file and
        directory names.  These functions and types are defined in a
        new header file, <stddir.h>.

 1. Introduction

All hosted ISO C (ISO 9899:1999) implementations support the concept of an I/O stream, also known as a file, i.e., a named collection of characters (bytes) that is accessible via the standard library functions declared in the <stdio.h> header, such as fopen().

The majority of hosted C implementations support the concept of a file system, also known as a structured storage device, containing external files. The majority of hosted C implementations also support the notion of directories containing files and possibly nested subdirectories.

A file system typically represents a set of one or more files, usually arranged in a tree-like hierarchy of directories, subdirectories, and files. Each file corresponds to the ISO C notion of a binary or text I/O stream.

This proposal describes a set of types and functions to be added to the standard C library to provide the means to manipulate directories. These new capabilities are intended to be provided by hosted implementations, and should not be required of free-standing implementations.

1.1 Problems Addressed

The following is a list of common programming operations that are not currently supported by ISO C.

  1. Create a new directory.
  2. Create a file name for a file within a particular directory.

  3. Decompose a file name into its component directory and file name parts.

  4. Determine the current directory associated with the executing program.

  5. Set the current directory of the executing program.

  6. Search for entries within a particular directory.

This proposal describes a set of types and functions to be added to the standard C library to provide these capabilities.

1.2 Design Goals

For creating a set of types and functions to provide directory and file operations, it is useful to adhere to the following list of design goals and guidelines.

  1. Prior art.
    Use existing practice as much as is reasonably possible. At the very least, do not propose types or functions that would break large amounts of existing (but non-standard) code.
  2. Efficiency.
    Structure objects should not occupy excessive amounts of memory space, nor should they require excessive amounts of CPU time to create and destroy.

  3. Safety.
    All functions should be thread-safe, and the use of modifiable global data should be avoided. Maximum lengths of variable-sized data (such as strings) should be passed as extra arguments to functions to avoid data overruns.

  4. Wide target universe.
    The widest possible variety of existing implementations should be addressed. Functions that will work on only 95% of existing systems are not a sufficiently complete solution. As widespread as they are, Win32 and POSIX systems are not the only operating systems to be addressed.

  5. Sufficiently general.
    Proposed types and functions should be sufficiently general and give implementers reasonably wide latitude in the way they may choose to implement the functions. This implies that certain details should be vague enough to allow for many disparate operating systems, but well defined enough to allow for portable coding with predictable behavior.

 2. Definitions

current directory
The directory associated with the current state of execution of the execution unit. Not all implementations support this concept.

A collection of files and possibly other directories residing on an external storage device. Most implementations support a hierarchical arrangement of directories and files. Most implementations also associate the execution of a given execution unit (i.e., program) with a current directory.

The current ISO C standard (1999) does not define the concept of directory.

directory entry
A file, directory, or some other type of data storage entity enumerated within a directory. Such an entry contains the name of the entity, and possibly other information about it.

directory search
The process of sequentially visiting the entries within a given directory.

directory search context
Information about the state of a given directory search that is still in progress.

A sequence of bytes (or characters) residing on an external file system or structured storage device. Programs can open files by name (using the fopen() library function) and read and/or write their contents.

file system
A collection of external files and possibly directories. Typically, such a system is a structured storage device composed of a limited number of allocation units or blocks. A file system typically resides on a particular storage device, such as a hard disk, but may also be represented on other forms of hardware storage systems.

path name
The name of a file or directory (or possibly some other kind of I/O device). A path name is generally the same thing as a file name, although some implementations may classify file and directory names as different entities; for such implementations, a path name encompasses both kinds of names.

A kind of regular expression for matching file or directory (path) names. Such patterns contain special pattern-matching characters, or wildcard characters, that allow a pattern to match more than one filename.

regular file
A file that is not a directory (or some other kind of I/O device), i.e., a normal file containing character or binary data.

structured storage device
A hardware device, such as a disk drive, used for storing data, usually arranged as a collection of files and possibly directories. See file system.

 3. Constants

The following constants are defined in the <stddir.h> standard header.

The constants, functions, and types in this proposal are to be defined in a new standard library header file. This isolates the new names in a new header file, thus preventing existing code from breaking.

3.1 Constant __STDC_DIR__


    #include <stddir.h>

    #define __STDC_DIR__  integer-expression


This is a preprocessor macro defined as a constant integer expression. The expression evaluates to a non-zero (true) value if the implementation supports the notion of directories (specifically, if the implementation supports all of the types and functions declared in the <stddir.h> header), otherwise it evaluates to zero (false).

This macro can be used to test at compile time whether or not an implementation supports the functions specified in this proposal.

This implies that a conforming hosted implementation will be expected to provide the <stddir.h> standard header file, but will not be expected to support the types and functions defined within it.

Presumably, systems that do in fact support the notion of directories will provide an operating set of directory functions and thus define the __STDC_DIR__ macro as true.

Systems that cannot support such a notion are free to provide a minimal header file containing only the definition of the __STDC_DIR__ macro, being defined to zero. Of course, such implementations could provide non-working versions of the directory handling functions (which simply return failure values), but this would probably be undesirable, and in any case such implementations should still define the macro as false.

In this way, ISO C will not force implementations to provide support for directories, particularly those that cannot (e.g., embedded systems having only a very simple notion of a file system or none at all).

The value of this macro could be defined in a fashion similar to other existing __STDC_XXX__ macros, specifying the date of the ISO C standard being supported by the implementation, as a number in the form yyyymmL. For example, this macro could be defined as 200910L, designating support for the ISO C standard dated Oct 2009.

See also

typedef DIR, opendir().

3.2 Constant __STDC_SETCURRDIR__


    #include <stddir.h>

    #define __STDC_SETCURRDIR__  integer-expression


This is a preprocessor macro defined as a constant integer expression. The expression evaluates to a non-zero (true) value if the implementation supports the operation of changing the current directory (specifically, if it supports the setcurrdir() function), otherwise it evaluates to zero (false).

This is to allow for implementations that do not support the notion of a current directory associated with the executing program, or for those that do but cannot change it at execution time.

This macro can be used to test at compile time whether or not the setcurrdir() function actually does anything useful.

See also


 4. Types

The following types are defined in the <stddir.h> standard header.

The constants, functions, and types in this proposal are to be defined in a new standard library header file. This isolates the new names in a new header file, thus preventing existing code from breaking.

4.1 Typedef DIR


    #include <stddir.h>

    typedef opaque-type  DIR;


This object type is used to store the context of a directory search. This type is not an array type. The contents of this object are implementation-defined.

This structure type is analogous to the standard FILE type. Whereas a FILE object embodies the context of reading or writing an I/O stream, a DIR object embodies the context of a directory search.

This function is modeled after the POSIX DIR type, which is an opaque type, presumably a structure.

This type is explicitly defined as not being an array type so that its address can be taken without any undesirable semantic side effects. This is a requirement to be able to pass pointers to this object type to the directory searching functions.

Objects of this type are created by the opendir() function and are destroyed by the closedir() function.

See also

closedir(), opendir().

4.2 Structure dirent


    #include <stddir.h>

    struct dirent;

This structure contains the following members, in no specific order:

    size_t      d_namlen;       // Entry name length
    char        d_name[N];      // Entry name


This structure contains information about a directory entry. Such objects are created as a result of searching a directory.

This function is modeled after the POSIX and Unix dirent structure, stripped down to its bare essentials. Also, some of the member types are slightly different than the existing Unix members.

The members of the structure are described in further detail below.

char d_name[N]

A null-terminated string containing the name of a directory entry. The string may designate a file, a directory, or some other implementation-defined type of entry within a directory. The length of the array (N) and its contents are implementation-defined.

If the directory entry designates a regular file, this member string may be passed as an argument to the fopen() function to open an I/O stream for the named file.

Since the type of this member is an array of char, there is an implicit assumption that directory entry names are single-byte or multi-byte character strings, and not wide character strings. This parallels the assumption made for filenames passed to the standard fopen() function.

If the directory entry designates a directory, this member string may be passed as an argument to the opendir() function to search the entries contained within the named directory.

The entry may designate some implementation-defined type of entry other than a regular file or directory.

Implementations may provide directory entries that designate O/S entities other than files and directories, such as sockets, pipes, semaphores, volume labels, block devices, etc.

This member may be a flexible array member (i.e., an array with an unspecified size), provided that it is also the last member in the structure. This implies that this member should not be used as an operand of the sizeof operator.

The length of the directory entry name is related to the standard FILENAME_MAX constant.

A footnote in section §7.19.1 of the ISO 9899:1999 standard points out that FILENAME_MAX is not a guaranteed limit for all possible file names supported by an implementation (i.e., for an implementation that presumably supports multiple kinds of file systems).

Therefore it is not clear how to specify the relationship between FILENAME_MAX and the length of the d_name array.

size_t d_namlen

Specifies the length of the name of a directory entry, i.e., the number of characters, not including the terminating null character, in the member array d_name.

It would be better to name this member d_namelen, but existing practice (BSD Unix, et al) already uses the name d_namlen.

The type of this member is size_t. This differs slightly from the Unix specification, which defines it as having type unsigned short.

The value of this member is related to the standard FILENAME_MAX constant.

As described in the note for member d_name above, it is not clear how to specify the relationship between FILENAME_MAX and the length of the d_name array, i.e., the value of d_namlen.

The dirent structure may contain other implementation-defined members.

These structure members are considered the minimum amount of useful information about files while also being the most general for the widest number of existing implementations.

Some implementations (e.g., POSIX) provide only the entry name, whereas other implementations (e.g., Win32) provide several pieces of information about the directory entry.

However, implementations may provide additional members to reflect their support of, or need for, other directory search context information, such as:

  • search "handle"
  • entry record length
  • directory lock control information
  • entry type or "mode"
  • access permissions
  • entry serial number within the file system

See also

mkdirname(), mkfilename(), readdir().

 5. Functions

5.1 Directory Management Functions

The following set of functions are used to manage directories for an execution unit. They are declared in the <stddir.h> standard header.

There is no function defined in this proposal for removing directories (e.g., removedir() or rmdir()). This capability is presumably already provided by the standard remove() function. See the Prior Art section for further discussion.

5.1.1 Function getcurrdir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  getcurrdir(char *dir, size_t max);


This function determines the current directory associated with the execution unit.

This function is modeled after the POSIX getcwd() function. The POSIX function returns a char * type, however.

Also, the POSIX function takes a second length argument of type int instead of type size_t. This is only a minor difference, though.

The dir argument points to a buffer that is to be filled with the name of the current directory, as determined by the implementation. The contents of the string are implementation-defined.

Argument max specifies the maximum number of characters, including a terminating null character, to write into the string pointed to by dir. If the name of the current directory, including the terminating null character, is longer than max characters, the function fails.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directories or a current directory associated with an execution unit, the function fails.


If successful, the function returns a non-negative value after modifying the contents of the string pointed to by dir.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after modifying the value of errno.

The function could return a negative value whose absolute value indicates the number of characters required to hold the directory name.

See also


5.1.2 Function setcurrdir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  setcurrdir(const char *dir);


This function establishes the current directory associated with the execution unit, as determined by the implementation.

This function is modeled after the POSIX chdir() function.

The proposed name is felt to be more meaningful, however, and better parallels the getcurrdir() function name.

The dir argument points to a string containing a directory name. The contents of the string are implementation-defined.

This argument can be the value obtained by calling the getcurrdir(), getdirname(), or mkdirname() function.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directories or a current directory associated with an execution unit, the function fails.

Note that the __STDC_SETCURRDIR__ macro indicates whether or not the implementation supports this function.


If successful, the function returns a non-negative value after establishing a new current directory for the execution unit.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after modifying the value of errno.

See also

__STDC_SETCURRDIR__, getcurrdir().

5.1.3 Function createdir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  createdir(const char *dir);


This function creates a directory of a given name.

This function is modeled after the POSIX mkdir() function.

It is simpler and more generic than the POSIX function, though, because it does not take a second argument specifying access permissions for the new directory. The concept of "access permissions" is not defined in ISO C.

There is no function defined in this proposal for performing the inverse operation of removing a directory (e.g., a removedir() or rmdir() function). This capability is already provided, presumably, by the standard remove() function. See the Prior Art section for further discussion.

The dir argument points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a new directory to create. The contents of the string are implementation-defined.

This argument can be the value obtained by calling the getdirname() or mkdirname() function.

Some systems support the concept of "absolute" and "relative" directory names.

If the directory name is an "absolute" path name, then the current directory associated with the executing program is ignored when creating the new directory.

If the directory name is a "relative" path name, then the new directory is created as a subdirectory of the current directory associated with the executing program.

If the implementation has no concept of "absolute" or "relative" directory names, then the directory is created in an implementation-defined manner.

Some systems (e.g., Win32) support the concept of a "device" or "drive" associated with a given directory name. Given a directory name without a device name on such systems, a default device must be assumed by the implementation.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directories, the function fails.


If successful, the function returns a non-negative value. On failure, the function returns a negative value after modifying the value of errno.

See also

getcurrdir(), remove().

5.2 Directory and File Name Functions

The following set of functions are used to manipulate directory and file names.

5.2.1 Function getdirname()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  getdirname(char *dir, size_t max, const char *path);


This function extracts the directory component of a given file name.

This function is modeled after the Unix dirname() function. It operates differently, however, because it does not modify the path name in place.

Argument path points to a string containing a file or directory name. The contents of the string are implementation-defined. If the string does not specify a valid directory or file path name, the function fails. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument dir points to a buffer that is to be filled with the directory component of the path name pointed to by path. The contents of the resulting string are implementation-defined. The resulting directory name is suitable for use as an argument to the opendir(), mkfilename(), and mkdirname() functions. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

If the path name does not have a directory component, dir is set to the empty string (i.e., the first character in the string is set to '\0') and the function returns zero.

The function should return zero if the given path name designates the "root" or "top-most" directory on the implementation, since such path names do not have a "parent" directory component.

It is possible that there may need to be another function that retrieves the name of the "root" or "top-most" directory, viz.:

    int  getrootdir(char *dir, size_t max);

This function would be useful for constructing "absolute" path names.

Argument max specifies the maximum number of characters, including a terminating null character, to write into the string pointed to by dir. If resulting directory name component, including the terminating null character, is longer than max characters, the function fails.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directory names, the function fails.


If successful, the function returns a positive value indicating the length of the resulting directory name component (i.e., the number of characters, excluding the terminating null character, written into dir).

On failure, the function returns a negative value after possibly modifying the value of errno.

The function could return a negative value whose absolute value indicates the number of characters required to hold the resulting directory name.

See also

getfilename(), mkdirname(), opendir().

5.2.2 Function getfilename()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  getfilename(char *file, size_t max, const char *path);


This function extracts the file component of a given file name.

This function is modeled after the Unix basename() function. It operates differently, however, because it does not modify the path name in place.

Argument path points to a string containing a file or directory name. The contents of the string are implementation-defined. If the string does not specify a valid directory or file name, the function fails. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument file points to a buffer that is to be filled with the file component of the path name pointed to by path. The contents of the resulting string are implementation-defined. The resulting directory name is suitable for use as an argument to the fopen(), mkfilename(), and mkdirname() functions. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument max specifies the maximum number of characters, including a terminating null character, to write into the string pointed to by file. If resulting file name component, including the terminating null character, is longer than max characters, the function fails.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directory names, the function simply copies string path into file.


If successful, the function returns a positive value indicating the length of the resulting file name component (i.e., the number of characters, excluding the terminating null character, written into file).

On failure, the function returns a negative value after possibly modifying the value of errno.

The function could return a negative value whose absolute value indicates the number of characters required to hold the resulting file name.

See also

getdirname(), mkfilename().

5.2.3 Function mkdirname()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  mkdirname(char *path, size_t max,
             const char *dir, const char *subdir);


This function creates a directory name by combining a directory name and the name of a subdirectory within that directory.

This function is intended to provide a standard means for creating a directory name from a given directory name and subdirectory name. This function performs the inverse operation of the getdirname() and getfilename() functions, and complements the mkfilename() function.

The format of directory and file names is implementation-specific, as are the rules for combining them to create subdirectory names.

POSIX implementations, for instance, use a "/" separator between directory path names and subdirectory names. Microsoft DOS and Windows use a "\" or "/" separator between directory path components, and also allow for network host names and disk drive prefixes.

Implementations that do not require different formats for directory names and file names (e.g., Unix and Win32) might implement both the mkdirname() and mkfilename() functions in the same manner.

Some operating systems employ more complicated formats for subdirectory names, e.g., Digital VMS.

Argument dir points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a directory, presumably residing on a structured storage device within the implementation. The contents of the string are implementation-defined, and can be the directory name resulting from a call to getdirname() or mkdirname(). If the string is empty (""), it is assumed to specify the name of the current directory associated with the execution unit. If the implementation does not support such a concept, the function fails. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument subdir points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a subdirectory located within the directory designated by the dir string. The contents of the string are implementation-defined, and can be the subdirectory name resulting from a call to getfilename(). If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument path points to a character array that is to be filled with the null-terminated directory name that results from combining the given directory name and subdirectory name. The method by which these components are combined into a single name and the contents of the resulting name are implementation-defined. If the components cannot be combined into a valid subdirectory name, the function fails. The resulting subdirectory name is suitable for use as an argument to the opendir() function. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Since these arguments are character strings, there is an implicit assumption that directory names are single-byte or multi-byte character strings, and not wide character strings. This parallels the assumption made for directory names passed to the opendir() function.

Argument max specifies the maximum number of characters, including a terminating null character, to write into the string pointed to by path. If the resulting subdirectory name contains more than max characters, the function fails.

If the implementation does not support the notion of directory names or the notion of subdirectories, the function fails.

This function is related to another proposal [6]. Specifically, the fs_flags member of the proposed _filesys structure and the _FILESYS_SUBDIRS constant, which together specify whether or not a given file system supports subdirectories; and the _FILESYS_NAMES_DIFF constant, which specifies whether or not a file system makes a distinction between file and directory names.

It is assumed that a given implementation may support more than one type of file system, and that some of those support subdirectories while others do not. The _FILESYS_SUBDIRS attribute in particular can be examined at runtime to determine if a given file system meaningfully supports the construction of subdirectory names by the mkdirname() function.


If successful, the function returns a positive value indicating the length of the resulting subdirectory name (i.e., the number of characters, excluding the terminating null character, written into path), after modifying the contents of the string pointed to by path.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after possibly modifying the value of errno.

The function could return a negative value whose absolute value indicates the number of characters required to hold the resulting directory name.

See also

getdirname(), getfilename(), mkfilename().

5.2.4 Function mkfilename()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  mkfilename(char *path, size_t max,
             const char *dir, const char *file);


This function creates a file name by combined a directory name and the name of a file within that directory.

This function is intended to provide a standard means for creating a file name from a given directory name and file (or subdirectory) name. This function performs the inverse operation of the getdirname() and getfilename() functions, and complements the mkdirname() function.

The format of directory and file names is implementation-specific, as are the rules for combining them to create file names.

POSIX implementations, for instance, use a "/" separator between directory path names and file names. Microsoft DOS and Windows use a "\" or "/" separator between directory path components and file names, and also allow for network host names and disk drive prefixes.

Some operating systems employ more complicated formats for specifying file names, e.g., Digital VMS.

Argument dir points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a directory, presumably residing on a structured storage device within the implementation. The contents of the string are implementation-defined, and can be the directory name resulting from a call to getdirname() or mkdirname(). If the string is empty (""), it is assumed to specify the name of the current directory associated with the execution unit. If the implementation does not support such a notion, the function fails. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument file points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a file located within the directory designated by the dir string. The contents of the string are implementation-defined, and can be the file name resulting from a call to getfilename(). If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument path points to a character array that is to be filled with the null-terminated file name that results from combining the given directory name and file name. The method by which these components are combined into a file name and the contents of the resulting string are implementation-defined. If the components cannot be combined into a valid file name, the function fails. The resulting file name is suitable for use as an argument to the fopen() function. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Since these arguments are character strings, there is an implicit assumption that directory and file names are single-byte or multi-byte character strings, and not wide character strings. This parallels the assumption made for filenames passed to the standard fopen() function.

Argument max specifies the maximum number of characters, including a terminating null character, to write into the string pointed to by path. If the resulting file name contains more than max characters, the function fails.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directory names, the function ignores the dir argument.


If successful, the function returns a positive value indicating the length of the resulting file name (i.e., the number of characters, excluding the terminating null character, written into path), after modifying the contents of the string pointed to by path.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after possibly modifying the value of errno.

The function could return a negative value whose absolute value indicates the number of characters required to hold the resulting file name.

See also

getdirname(), getfilename(), matchfilename(), mkdirname().

5.2.5 Function matchfilename()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  matchfilename(const char *path, const char *pattern);


This function determines if a given path name matches a filename pattern.

Argument path points to a null-terminated string containing a file or directory name. The contents of the string are implementation-defined. If the string is empty (""), it can only be matched by an empty filename pattern. If the string does not contain a valid file or directory name, the behavior is undefined. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

Argument pattern points to a null-terminated string containing a filename pattern. The format and contents of the string are implementation-defined. If the string is empty (""), it matches only an empty path name. If the string does not contain a valid filename pattern, the behavior is undefined. If this pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.

A "pattern" contains pattern-matching characters, similar to a regular expression, but designed to match file and/or directory names. It is implementation-defined as to what constitutes a valid pattern.

Some systems allow fairly primitive patterns, e.g., Win32 allows the '?' and '*' characters, also known as "wildcard" characters. Other systems provide more elaborate pattern-matching, e.g., Unix, which also provides character sets, ranges, and exclusion sets.

Some implementations (e.g., Win32) provide case-insensitive filenames, so that the names "abc", "Abc", and "ABC" all refer to the same file or directory. Other systems (e.g., Unix) provide case-sensitive filenames, so that all three names refer to different files or directories.


If path contains a path name that matches the filename pattern pattern, the function returns a positive value. The criteria by which a pattern matches a given filename is implementation-defined.

It is unspecified whether or not the path and pattern strings can contain directory components in addition to a filename component.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after possibly modifying the value of errno.

If the implementation does not support filename patterns, the function does a simple comparison of the path name string to the filename pattern string in a manner consistent with the naming of files and directories in the implementation.

If the implementation does not support filename patterns, i.e., it does not provided "wildcard" filename expressions, the pattern argument must match the path argument.

For implementations that support case-sensitive filenames, this means that the two strings must match exactly, as if calling strcmp(). For implementations that support case-insensitive filenames, the comparison must treat upper and lower case alphabetic characters the same, so that, for instance, the names "abc", "Abc", and "ABC" all match each other.

See also

getdirname(), getfilename(), mkdirname(), mkfilename(), strcmp().

5.3 Directory Searching Functions

The following set of functions are used to search directories.

5.3.1 Function opendir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    DIR *  opendir(const char *dir);


This function initiates a search within a directory.

This function operates on directory searches in an fashion analogous to the way that fopen() operates on I/O streams.

This function is modeled after the POSIX opendir() function. See the Prior Art section for further discussion.

Some implementations may require the use of an I/O stream for the directory searching operations.

Argument dir points to a string containing the name of a directory within the implementation. The contents of the string are implementation-defined, and can be the directory name resulting from a call to getdirname() or mkdirname().

Since this argument is a character string, there is an implicit assumption that directory names are single-byte or multi-byte character strings, and not wide character strings. This parallels the assumption made for filenames passed to the standard fopen() function.

If the implementation does not support the concept of directories or directory searching, the function fails.


If the directory name pointed to by dir constitutes a meaningful directory name (according to the implementation), the function creates and returns a pointer to an object containing context information for searching the specified directory. This object can subsequently be passed to the other directory searching functions. The returned object is destroyed by a subsequent call to closedir().

On failure, the function returns null after modifying the value of errno.

See also

typedef DIR, closedir(), getdirname().

5.3.2 Function closedir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  closedir(DIR *dp);


This function terminates a directory search and destroys the directory search context object that was created by a prior call to opendir().

This function operates on directory searches in an fashion analogous to the way that fclose() operates on I/O streams.

This function is modeled after the POSIX closedir() function.

Argument dp points to an object containing directory search context information that was created by a prior call to opendir(). If the pointer is null or the object has been used as an argument of a prior call to closedir(), the behavior is undefined.

After a successful return from this function, the object pointed to by dp may not be used for further directory searching operations (and cannot be assumed to still exist as a valid memory object).


If successful, the object pointed to by dp is destroyed (in an implementation-defined way) and the function returns a non-negative value.

Any pointers to dirent structures returned by prior calls to readdir() for the same directory search context are rendered invalid.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after modifying the value of errno.

See also

typedef DIR, opendir().

5.3.3 Function readdir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    const struct dirent *  readdir(DIR *dp);


This function reads the next entry within a directory being searched.

This function is modeled after the POSIX readdir() function. See the Prior Art section for further discussion.

Argument dp points to an object containing directory search context information that was created by a prior call to opendir(). If the pointer is null or if the object has been used as an argument in a call to closedir(), the behavior is undefined.


If successful, a pointer to a structure is returned, where the structure contains information about the next directory entry within the directory search context. The position of the search is advanced to the next directory entry.

The means by which the structure is allocated is unspecified. Subsequent calls to this function invalidate any previously returned pointer values, as does a subsequent call to rewinddir() or closedir().

Presumably, the returned structure is allocated by either the readdir() or the opendir() function.

A call to readdir() renders any previously returned dirent structure invalid, which implies that pointers to such structures should not be kept beyond one call to readdir().

A subsequent call to rewinddir() or closedir() also renders any previously returned dirent structure pointer invalid.

An earlier version of this proposal defined this function as accepting a second argument, a pointer to a dirent structure, which was filled with information about the next entry found within the directory search.

The problem with that earlier approach is that it requires the dirent structure to be as large as possible in order to contain the largest entry name (filename) allowed by the implementation. The latter alternative approach of returning a pointer to a dirent object allows the object to be only as large as necessary to hold the found entry name.

Of course, this latter approach requires more strict behavior with regards to what happens to the dirent objects once another call is made to readdir(), rewinddir(), or closedir(). The most reasonable approach is to mandate that the storage for all such previously returned dirent objects are no longer valid after subsequent calls to these functions. This gives implementations some latitude, allowing them to allocate such objects as part of the DIR object storage, or to manage them as some other kind of separately allocated and deallocated objects. Presumably, calls to readdir() et al manage the allocations and deallocations appropriately, and a final call to closedir() deallocates all such objects for a given directory search context.

On failure, or if there are no more entries to be found in the directory search, the function returns a null pointer after modifying the value of errno, and the position of the search is left in an indeterminate state.

See also

typedef DIR, struct DIR, opendir().

5.3.4 Function rewinddir()


    #include <stddir.h>

    int  rewinddir(DIR *dp);


This function resets the search position of a given directory search context object to its initial position.

This function operates on directory searches in an fashion analogous to the way that rewind() operates on I/O streams.

This function is modeled after the POSIX rewinddir() function.

However, whereas the POSIX function does not return a value, this function returns a value indicating success or failure. This is a minor difference, though. See the Prior Art section for further discussion.

What constitutes the "initial position" of a directory is implementation-defined.

Argument dp points to an object containing directory search context information that was created by a prior call to opendir(). If the pointer is null or the object has been the subject of a prior call to closedir(), the behavior is undefined.


If successful, the directory search context object is modified and the function returns a non-negative value.

Any dirent structure pointers returned by prior calls to readdir() for the same directory search context are rendered invalid.

On failure, the function returns a negative value after modifying the value of errno.

See also

typedef DIR, opendir().

 6. Examples

The following examples illustrate the use of the functions described in this proposal.

Example 1

The following function searches a given directory, printing the names of the entries contained within it.

    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    int print_dir(const char *dir)
        DIR *                   dp;
        const struct dirent *   ent;
        int                     cnt;

        // Open the given directory
        dp = opendir(dir);
        if (dp == NULL)
            return -1;

        // Search the directory
        printf("%s:\n", dir);
        cnt = 0;

        while (ent = readdir(dp), ent != NULL)
            printf("%3d  %s\n", cnt, ent->d_name);

        // Terminate the search
        dp = NULL;

        printf("Entries: %d\n", cnt);
        return cnt;

Example 2

The following function creates a subdirectory named "logs" within the program's current directory, then creates and opens a file named "mylog" within the new subdirectory.

    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    FILE * open_logfile(const char *dir)
        char    fname[FILENAME_MAX];

        // Create a subdirectory
        if (createdir("logs") < 0)
            return NULL;

        // Create a logfile in the new subdirectory
        if (mkfilename(fname, sizeof(fname), "logs", "mylog") < 0)
            return NULL;

        return fopen(fname, "a");

Example 3

The following function removes all of the entries within a given directory. (Note that this code uses functions, types, and constants defined in another related proposal [5].)

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    bool clean_dir(const char *dir)
        DIR *                   dp;
        const struct dirent *   ent;

        // Do a directory search
        dp = opendir(dir);
        if (dp == NULL)
            goto fail;

        // Find and remove all entries from the directory
        while (ent = readdir(dp), ent != NULL)
            struct _fileinfo    info;
            char                entname[FILENAME_MAX];

            // Remove the next directory entry
            if (mkfilename(entname, sizeof(entname), dir, ent->d_name) < 0)
                goto fail;

            if (_getfileinfo(entname, &info) < 0)
                goto fail;

            switch (info.fi_type)
            case _FILE_TYPE_DIR:
                // Remove a subdirectory entry
                if (! clean_dir(entname))
                    goto fail;
                if (remove(entname) != 0)
                    goto fail;

            case _FILE_TYPE_FILE:
                // Remove a regular file entry
                if (remove(entname) != 0)
                    goto fail;

                // Nonstandard directory entry type
                if (remove(entname) != 0)
                    goto fail;

        // Done
        return true;

        // Failure
        if (dp != NULL)
        return false;

Example 4

The following function copies all of the files within a given directory to another directory. (Note that this code uses functions, types, and constants defined in a related proposal [5].)

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    extern void  copy_file(const char *srcfname, const char *dstfname);

    bool copy_dir(const char *src_dir, const char *dst_dir)
        DIR *                   srcp;
        const struct dirent *   ent;

        // Do a directory search
        srcp = opendir(src_dir);
        if (srcp == NULL)
            goto fail;

        // Find and copy all file entries in the directory
        while (ent = readdir(srcp), ent != NULL)
            struct _fileinfo    info;
            char                srcfname[FILENAME_MAX];
            char                dstfname[FILENAME_MAX];

            // Copy the next directory entry
            if (mkfilename(srcfname, sizeof(srcfname), src_dir, ent->d_name) < 0)
                goto fail;

            if (_getfileinfo(srcfname, &info) < 0)
                goto fail;

            switch (info.fi_type)
            case _FILE_TYPE_FILE:
                // Copy a regular file entry
                if (mkfilename(dstfname, sizeof(dstfname), dst_dir, ent->d_name) < 0)
                copy_file(srcfname, dstfname);

            case _FILE_TYPE_DIR:
                // Not a file entry, ignore it

        // Done
        return true;

        // Failure
        if (srcp != NULL)
        return false;

Example 5

The following functions extract and print all of the components of the current directory name.

    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    void print_dir_names(const char *path)
        char    name[FILENAME_MAX];

        // Display the parent directory component names first
        if (getdirname(name, sizeof(name), path) > 0)
            printf("[%s]", path);

        // Display the last component name
        if (getfilename(name, sizeof(name), path) > 0)
            printf("[%s]", name);

    void get_dir_names(void)
        char    path[FILENAME_MAX];

        // Get the current directory
        if (getcurrdir(path, sizeof(path) < 0)

Example 6

The following function prints all the filename entries within the current directory that match a given filename pattern.

    #include <stddir.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    void list_matching_files(const char *pat)
        char                    cwd[FILENAME_MAX];
        DIR *                   dp;
        const struct dirent *   ent;

        // Get the current directory
        if (getcurrdir(cwd, sizeof(cwd) < 0)
            printf("Can't get the current directory\n");

        // Search the directory for matching filenames
        dp = opendir(cwd);
        if (dp == NULL)
            printf("Can't search the current directory: %s\n", cwd);

        // Find matching filenames in the directory
        while (ent = readdir(dp), ent != NULL)
            if (matchfilename(ent->d_name, pat) >= 0)
                printf("%s\n", ent->d_name);

        // Stop searching

 7. Prior Art

The following items describe various existing implementations that provide directory searching capabilities and the various differences and problems with them.

  1. Many operating systems (file systems) support the notion of directory. In the same way, most operating systems associate a current directory (a.k.a. a current working directory) with each executing program. Some systems support the notion of a current drive or current device as well.

  2. POSIX path names are composed of zero or more directory names followed by a file name:

    Each directory and file name component is separated by a slash (/). Path names can contain almost any character, including spaces and unprintable control characters. Both file and directory names follow the same naming syntax, and cannot be distinguished by form alone.

    If the path name starts with a leading slash, it is known as an absolute path name, and specifies a unique file or directory name. If the path name does not start with a leading slash, it is known as a relative path name, and specifies a file or directory name relative to the current directory.

    POSIX (and Unix) also allows other I/O device types to be named in this fashion, including:

  3. Microsoft Windows (Win32) path names are composed of an optional device prefix, followed by zero or more directory names, followed by a file name:

    Path names may have a leading drive letter (C:) that specifies a local disk drive or device.

    Each directory and file name component is separated by a backslash (\), but the operating system also supports slashes (/) as separators (which are recognized by the fopen() function). Path names can contain almost any character, including spaces and unprintable control characters, but cannot contain certain special characters (< > | ? * ") used by the command shell. Filenames are stored as 16-bit Unicode names internally within the file system. Both file and directory names follow the same naming syntax, and cannot be distinguished by form alone.

    If the path name starts with a leading slash, it is known as an absolute path name, and specifies a unique file or directory name. If the path name does not start with a leading slash, it is known as a relative path name, and specifies a file or directory name relative to the current directory.

    Network directories and devices path names are prefixed with a two slashes and the node name:


    The file extension (suffix) generally indicates the type and format of the file, and the Win32 operating system associates specific applications to each registered file type. For example, foo.txt specifies a text file, and foo.exe specifies an executable binary program file.

  4. Digital VMS uses file names of the form:
    which are composed of one or more of the following components:

    Some example VMS file names:


    VMS provides the capability for searching for entry names within directories. This functionality is provided as system library functions, and also as built-in procedures within the command line interface (CLI).

  5. IBM OS/390 uses partitioned datasets (PDS), which are analogous to directories and contain members, which are analogous to files.

    Datasets have names like USERS.SMITHG.R2V4.SOURCE.C(FOO). Such a name can be construed as designating the file named "FOO" residing within the directory named "USERS.SMITHG.R2V4.SOURCE.C".

  6. The design of the directory searching functions in this proposal borrowed heavily from the POSIX standard library [2].

    POSIX provides an opaque DIR type for directory searches, analogous to the FILE type for I/O streams, and a set of functions for searching directories.

    The contents of a typical Unix <dirent.h> header file look something like the following (although features marked with an (E) are not defined by POSIX 1003.1-1998 and might not be present in some implementations):

        // <dirent.h>
        typedef void *  DIR;                        // Opaque type
        struct dirent
            unsigned long   d_fileno;               // Entry file number      (E)
            unsigned short  d_reclen;               // Length of this struct  (E)
            unsigned short  d_namlen;               // Length of d_name       (E)
            char            d_name[MAXNAMLEN+1];    // Entry name
        extern DIR *            opendir(const char *path);
        extern struct dirent *  readdir(DIR *dirp);
        extern long int         telldir(DIR *dirp);             // (E)
        extern void             seekdir(DIR *dirp, long loc);   // (E)
        extern void             rewinddir(DIR *dirp);
        extern int              closedir(DIR *dirp);
        extern int              dirfd(DIR *dirp);               // (E)

    Some Unix implementations (e.g., BSD 4.4) used the structure tag direct instead of dirent prior to the standardization of POSIX.

    The opendir() function initiates a directory search, creating a DIR object.

    The DIR object is to directories what the FILE object is to files. This object contains directory search context information, and is passed to subsequent calls to the other directory searching functions, finally being destroyed by a call to closedir().

  7. At first glance it seems desirable to adopt the POSIX directory searching types and functions straight into ISO C, or at least a simplified subset of them. However, a few minor issues must be resolved.

    1. The dirent structure is defined in the POSIX specification as having a fixed length. However, the structure is typically implemented as though the d_name member is a flexible array member, containing as few as two characters. Presumably, the structures are allocated as part of the directory searching context information, possibly within the DIR structure itself. Since POSIX allows filenames to be anywhere from 1 to MAXNAMLEN (which is typically 255 or more) characters long, it seems entirely reasonable that the actual amount of space allocated for each filename entry is variable, and therefore that the structure is also variably-sized.

    2. The d_namlen member is not defined by the core POSIX specification, but this member is typically added as an enhancement in most Unix implementations. This member (when provided) is defined with a type of unsigned short. To be completely portable and consistent with ISO C, this should instead have type size_t. This should have little impact on existing POSIX-compliant code, since this does not affect the value of the member as it is used within arithmetic expressions, although it will break rare code that uses the address of the member.

    3. The d_reclen member is not defined by the core POSIX specification, but this member is typically added as an enhancement in most Unix implementations. This member (when provided) specifies the size of its parent dirent structure, and is thus a useful piece of information needed when copying such structures. However, it is not felt that the ability to copy these structures is something that is widely needed. Therefore this member is not included in the proposal for the standard library.

    4. The readdir() function returns a pointer to a dirent structure. This structure is presumably allocated as part of the directory search context information. Though not explicitly specified in the POSIX specification, a call to readdir() presumably renders invalid the contents of any dirent structure returned by a prior call. This behavior must be defined explicitly in order to make the functions completely well-defined and portable.

    5. The seekdir() and telldir() functions are typically provided by Unix implementations, even though they are not part of the POSIX specification.

      Section §B.5.1.2 of POSIX 1003.1-1988 describes the rationale for not providing the seekdir() and telldir() functions. It was felt that some existing files systems were not amenable to supporting such functions (i.e., where an integer position indicator did not fit some file system models), and that these functions were not really all that useful. Only the rewinddir() function was provided in POSIX, on the assumption that it was useful.

    6. The rewinddir() function for directory searches is analogous to the rewind() function for I/O streams.

      The POSIX function (which is typically implemented as a macro defined using the seekdir() function) does not return a value. However, it seems like a more orthogonal design to allow it to return a value indicating success or failure, in a fashion similar to fseek().

      This is a minor change to POSIX, and should not affect any existing code.

    7. The dirfd() function returns a file descriptor, which is a concept that does not exist in ISO C. This function would either need to be replaced with a function that returns a FILE pointer (which may not be meaningful or possible on many implementations), or simply be omitted from the proposal altogether.

    For these reasons, this proposal suggests some, but not all, of the same functions defined by POSIX.

  8. Microsoft Windows (Win32) [4] provides a slightly different approach to searching directories, wherein the steps of initiating the search and finding the first entry within a directory are combined into a single operation (the FindFirstFile() function). Subsequent entries are then found using a different operation (the FindNextFile() function).

    This approach requires more complicated programming logic in order to achieve a typical directory searching loop, because the first directory entry is handled separately from subsequent entries.

    The simpler POSIX approach (initialize, then find) was chosen for this proposal. The proposed functions, however, can be written in terms of system-dependent functions that implement this other scheme (initialize and find first, then find next) fairly easily.

  9. Microsoft Windows (Win32) provides library functions for searching directories:
        // <winbase.h>
        struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA
            unsigned int        dwFileAttributes;
            struct _FILETIME    ftCreationTime;
            struct _FILETIME    ftLastAccessTime;
            struct _FILETIME    ftLastWriteTime;
            unsigned int        nFileSizeHigh;
            unsigned int        nFileSizeLow;
            char                cFileName[MAX_PATH];
            char                cAlternateFileName[14];
        extern HANDLE   FindFirstFile(
            const char *lpFileName,
            struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFindFileData);
        extern bool     FindNextFile(
            HANDLE hFindFile,
            struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA *lpFindFileData);

    The searching functions require the use of a wildcard filename, which specifies the subset of directory entry names to match.

  10. Much of the functionality of directory handling provided by Win32 was derived from the earlier Microsoft MS-DOS operating system (a.k.a. PC-DOS or simply DOS). MS-DOS provides system operations for searching a given directory with find first and find next system service calls.

    Win32 also provides a second set of library functions for searching directories, presumably for backward compatibility with MS-DOS programs:

        // <io.h>
        struct _finddata_t
            unsigned        attrib;
            time_t          time_create;    // -1 for FAT file systems
            time_t          time_access;    // -1 for FAT file systems
            time_t          time_write;
            unsigned long   size;
            char            name[260];
        extern long         _findfirst(const char *name, struct _finddata_t *ctx);
        extern int          _findnext(long hdl, struct _finddata_t *ctx);
        extern int          _findclose(long hdl);

  11. Microsoft Windows (Win32) provides directory handling functions that are mostly compatible with POSIX:
        // <direct.h>
        extern int          chdir(const char *dir);
        extern char *       getcwd(char *buf, int max);
        extern int          mkdir(const char *dir);       // Incompatible
        extern int          rmdir(const char *dir);

    Also provided are wide character (wchar_t) versions of these functions:

        // <direct.h>
        extern int          _wchdir(const wchar_t *dir);
        extern wchar_t *    _wgetcwd(wchar_t *dir, int max);
        extern wchar_t *    _wgetdcwd(int dev, wchar_t *dir, int max);
        extern int          _wmkdir(const wchar_t *dir);
        extern int          _wrmdir(const wchar_t *dir);

    Win32 also provides functions for retrieving and setting the current directory path and the current disk drive:

        // <direct.h>
        extern int              _chdrive(int dev);
        extern char *           _getdcwd(int dev, char *dir, int max);
        extern int              _getdrive(void);
        extern unsigned long    _getdrives(void);
        extern unsigned         _getdiskfree(unsigned dev, struct _diskfree_t *info);

  12. POSIX provides the mkdir() function for creating a directory. While it seems desirable to standardize this function, there are a few problems with this approach.
    1. The POSIX version of mkdir() takes a second argument in addition to the name of the directory to be created, specifying a permissions (or mode) bitmask. This bitmask, along with the executing program's user permissions mask (umask) defines the resulting access permissions for the newly created directory. Accepting such an argument is somewhat POSIX-centric, and there is no concept of access permissions defined in ISO C.

    2. Other implementations support variants of the mkdir() function. For instance, Microsoft Visual C/C++ provides a function taking a single argument, and hence is incompatible with the POSIX version. This makes it difficult to design a single mkdir() function that is compatible across most implementations.

    It is for these reasons that standardizing the POSIX mkdir() function is not a good idea, and that a more reasonable approach is to invent a new function (createdir()) that is simple and generic enough for all implementations.

  13. POSIX supports the standard remove() function, deleting either a specified file or directory name. It defines the function to behave like unlink() if the argument designates a file, and like rmdir() if the argument designates a directory.

    Most implementations allow a directory to be removed only if it is empty, i.e., if it contains no file or subdirectory entries. The process attempting to remove a directory must also have the appropriate access permissions to do so.

    BSD Unix (4.4) allows only the superuser (root) to delete a directory. This means that the standard remove() function does not delete an argument designating a directory for arbitrary users, even if they own the directory. This appears to be problem with the BSD implementation, rather than a flaw in the specification of remove().

    It might be desirable to add a function to delete a directory, to provide a complement to the operation of deleting a file.

    A possible definition for such a function could look like:

        #include <stddir.h>
        int  removedir(const char *dir);

    where the dir argument contains the name of a directory in some implementation-defined form.

    On success, the directory is removed from the system and the function returns a positive value, otherwise the function modifies errno and returns a negative value.

    It is implementation-defined whether or not the directory must be empty in order to be removed.

    If such a function were added to ISO C, the semantics of the existing remove() function would probably need to be amended.

  14. The Open Group Unix Specification provides the fnmatch() function for matching a filename with a filename pattern. Other flavors of Unix provide a gmatch() function for this. This functionality is also built into the Unix command shells (Bourne shell, C shell, Korn shell, et al).

    Win32 provides the ability to specify a directory search for filenames with wildcards, acting as a filter to select a subset of directory entries whose names match the wildcard filename.

    VMS provides the ability to specify a directory search for filenames using wildcards. This functionality is provided as system library calls as well as built-in procedures in the command line interface (CLI).

    These common capabilities are reflected in the proposed matchfilename() function, which is defined in a very generic fashion.

  15. There is no function in this proposal for retrieving the name of the "root" or "top-most" directory within an implementation. Most file systems support some notion of this, and such a capability appears to be desirable for creating "absolute" path names.

    However, there do not appear to be any implementations that provide a function for accessing this information. Indeed, it is very common for programs to assume some kind of explicitly hard-coded value to serve this purpose (e.g., POSIX uses "/").

    A possible definition for such a function could look like:

        int  getrootdir(char *dir, size_t max);

    It is not clear how useful such a function would be, or more importantly, how universal the function would be across implementations.

 Source Code

Proof-of-concept source code is contained in these files:


The author wishes to express his gratitude to those who provided comments, suggestions, and criticism on this proposal.

Further discussion can be found on the comp.std.c newsgroup, under the subject of "C0X: Directory access funcs".


[1]  Programming Language C - ISO/IEC 9899:1999 - International Standard
1999, ISO/EIC.
International Standards Organization,
Available from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) site at
The ISO C (C99) standard.

[2]  Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments - IEEE Standard
IEEE Std 1003.1-1998, ISBN 1-55937-003-3.
Sep 1988, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.
The standard POSIX API specification.

[3]  Open Group Single Unix Specification
The Open Group.
Available online at
The standard Unix API specification.

[4]  Microsoft Windows API Reference
1995, Microsoft,
The API reference is available online at
The Win32 API specification.

[5]  ISO C 200X Proposal: File Inquiry Functions
2003, David R. Tribble.
A related proposal specifying functions for interrogating the implementation about a given file name or I/O stream.

[6]  ISO C 200X Proposal: File System Inquiry Functions
2003, David R. Tribble.
A related proposal specifying functions for interrogating the implementation about a given file system.

 Revision History

1.7, 2006-03-10
Added function matchfilename().
Added some discussion about a getrootdir() capability.

1.6, 2006-03-07
Removed the changes of revision 1.5, eliminating the concept of file type from all of the types and functions.

1.5, 2004-07-14
Added the "Goals" section.
Added a type parameter to functions mkfilename() and mkdirname().
Added function getfiletype().
Added members d_namoff, d_typeoff, and d_typelen to structure dirent.

1.4, 2004-01-19
Added function mkdirname().
Added macro __STDC_SETCURRDIR__.
Added Example 4.

1.3, 2003-12-29
Replaced the term "current execution directory" with "current directory".
Added a new header, <stddir.h>, in which the new functions and types are defined.
Added the __STDC_DIR__ constant.
Added the d_namlen member to the dirent structure type.
Changed the name of function getexecdir() to getcurrdir().
Changed the name of function setexecdir() to setcurrdir().
Changed the names of the directory searching functions to be identical to the corresponding POSIX functions.
Changed the semantics of function readdir() to be like the POSIX readdir() function.
Removed functions seekdir() andtelldir() and added function rewinddir().

1.2, 2003-10-27
Changed the name of function getdir() to getexecdir().
Changed the name of function chdir() to setexecdir().
Added more examples.
Added more detailed explanations of Win32 support for directory functions in the "Prior Art" section.
Mentioned VMS in the "Prior Art" section.
Added the "Source Code" section.

1.1, 2003-10-14
Initial revision.

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