ISO C 201X Proposal:
Calendar Date Functions

By David R. Tribble

Revision 2.4, 2009-10-01




 Cover Sheet

  Document Number: WG14 N___/X3J11 __-___ C201X Revision Proposal ======================= Title: Calendar Date Functions Author: David R. Tribble Author Affiliation: Self Postal Address: Plano, TX USA E-mail Address: Web URL: Telephone Number: *************** Sponsor: ________________________________________ Revision: 2.4, 2009-01-01 Supersedes: 2.3, 2009-08-25 Proposal Category: __ Editorial change/non-normative contribution __ Correction X_ New feature __ Addition to obsolescent feature list __ Addition to Future Directions __ Other (please specify) _____________________________ Area of Standard Affected: __ Environment __ Language __ Preprocessor X_ Library X_ Macro/typedef/tag name X_ Function X_ Header __ Other (please specify) _____________________________   Prior Art: The Java standard library contains 'Calendar' and 'TimeZone' classes, which are integerated with its 'Date' class to handle various calendric systems. Target Audience: C/C++ programmers and implementers. Related Documents (if any): None Proposal Attached: X_ Yes __ No, but what's your interest? Abstract: Enhancements to the existing 'struct tm' capabilities. The addition of new constants, types, and functions in a new <stdtime.h> header for calendar computations, intended to augment the existing capabilities of the 'tm' structure and its related functions. Date conversions are also brought closer in line with the rules of ISO 8601.  


 1. Introduction

Our units of temporal measurement, from seconds on up to months, are so complicated, asymmetrical and disjunctive so as to make coherent mental reckoning in time all but impossible. Indeed, had some tyrannical god contrived to enslave our minds to time, to make it all but impossible for us to escape subjection to sodden routines and unpleasant surprises, he could hardly have done better than handing down our present system. It is like a set of trapezoidal building blocks, with no vertical or horizontal surfaces, like a language in which the simplest thought demands ornate constructions, useless particles and lengthy circumlocutions. Unlike the more successful patterns of language and science, which enable us to face experience boldly or at least level-headedly, our system of temporal calculation silently and persistently encourages our terror of time.

It is as though architects had to measure length in feet, width in meters and height in ells; as though basic instruction manuals demanded a knowledge of five different languages. It is no wonder then that we often look into our own immediate past or future, last Tuesday or a week from Sunday, with feelings of helpless confusion.

— Robert Grudin, Time and the Art of Living, 1982

This proposal presents enhancements to the standard C library affecting the time and date handling functions. The standards addressed are ISO/IEC 9899:1999 [1] and ISO/IEC 9899:201X (draft) [2].

1.1 Concepts

Calendric system
This is the set of rules that specify how a given time value (of type time_t) is converted into a set of values representing the year, month, day, hour, etc., of the calendar. The most common calendric system in use is the Gregorian calendar, which was first established in 1582 by an edict from Pope Gregory XIII in several Catholic European countries, and by the end of the 20th century had been adopted by almost all of the countries of the world.

Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Some countries employ a set of timekeeping rules whereby the clock is advanced ahead a specific amount of time (typically one hour) during the Spring (e.g., in April) and back again in the Fall (e.g., in October) as a way of increasing the number of working daylight hours during the summer months. These rules thus make it possible for times within a certain interval (e.g., between 02:00:00 and 03:00:00) to occur not at all on one particular night of the year (when DST takes effect) and to occur twice on another particular night of the year (when DST reverts back to normal).

Delta Time
The componentized difference between two given calendar dates values with respect to a particular calendric system. For example, the difference between the dates 1980-01-01 and 1982-02-02 can be specified as 2 years, 1 month, and 1 day, or as 25 months, or as 109 weeks, or as 793 days in total.

Leap second
A leap second is a second of time added or subtracted from civil time to adjust for the rotation of the Earth. Some implementations are capable of keeping track of leap seconds, and some are not. UT1 (Universal Time 1) time is based on the rotation of the Earth. TAI (International Atomic Time) time is independent of the rotation of the Earth and is maintained worldwide by atomic clocks. UTC (Universal Civil Time) time is based on TAI atomic time. Periodically as needed, an additional leap second is added to UTC time to align it with UT1 time, so that the two never differ by more than 0.9 seconds. This adjustment is necessary to account for the fact that the Earth rotates about two milliseconds slower per day than calendars allow for, which adds an additional second every 500 days or so (although this drift rate is not constant and appears to be decreasing). (As of 2008, 24 leap seconds have been added to UTC time since the practice began in 1972, so that the difference between UTC and TAI is now 34 seconds.) There have been discussions about discontinuing the practice of leap seconds, at least in regards to UTC time, and even possibly using leap hours instead of seconds, but the debate has not been settled.

Printable representation
Calendar dates and times should be convertible into printable character (string) representations. Functions should exist to convert calendar dates into printable strings and vice versa. (The ISO 8601 specifies a particular standard character representation for dates, times, and durations, but it is not the only accepted representation. See reference [3].)

The ISO 8601 international standard defines character representations for dates, times, and durations. It also defines the numbering of weeks within years, the numbering of days within weeks, and the specification of timezone offsets. (See reference [3].)

System time
This is the implementation's notion of the current date and time during program execution. In the standard library, this is embodied by the time_t type.

Typically, this type represents an interval of time from a specific predefined date (sometimes known as the system epoch). For example, POSIX systems implement the time_t type as a signed integer count of the number of seconds since {1970-01-01 00:00:00 Z}. Other systems encode the date and time as bitfields within time_t values, and still other systems define time_t as a floating-point type. The current (C99) definition of time_t establishes no constraints other than it must be an arithmetic type.

The world is divided into timezones in order to deal with the fact that the Earth is round, such that 12:00 noon in London is not simultaneously noon in New York. Every country has rules governing its use of timezones. Most regions use an integer number of hours offset from the UTC timezone as the basis of their timezone calculations, but a few regions use offsets with fractional hours.

1.2 Existing Deficiencies

There are several deficiencies and limitations with the existing (C99) standard library time and date functions, either because of missing functionality or because some operations are difficult (or impossible) to achieve.

Calendar limitations

Timezone limitations

Daylight Saving Time (DST) limitations


 2. Solutions

The calendar is intolerable to all wisdom, the horror of all astronomy, and a laughing-stock from a mathematician's point of view.

— Roger Bacon, 1267

Conversion functions
  C99 Library   Proposed
(a) localtime() (c) setcalendartime()
  gmtime()   mklongtime()
    (d) calendarformat()
(b) strftime()   calendarscanf()
  strptime()   POSIX, not ISO C    
    (e) inittimezone()
    (f) longtimetotime()

The diagram above illustrates the various types and their relationships within this proposal and its related proposals. The types and functions described in this proposal solve many of the problems mentioned in the previous section.


 3. Library Header

A new standard library header is to be added, named <stdtime.h>. This header contains the constants, types, and functions described in this proposal.

A newly invented standard header file is proposed in order to minimize the impact that these new names will have on existing code, in contrast to proposing that the new names be added to the existing <time.h> header.

The choice of the name of the new header reflects its contents, namely, standard functions dealing with time.


 4. Constants

Our obsession with time is itself timeless. After self-awareness, it may be our most distinctive trait as a species, since undoubtedly one of the first things we become self-aware about is our own mortality – the fact that we live and die in a set amount of time.

— David Ewing Duncan, The Calendar, 1998

The following constants are defined in the <stdtime.h> standard header.


Each constant is described in detail below. Unless specifically stated otherwise, these constants do not necessarily have to be implemented as preprocessor macros.

4.1 Constant _CAL_ERA_COMMON


    #include <stdtime.h>

    #define _CAL_ERA_COMMON  integer-expression


This is an integer constant representing the AD (CE) era in the Gregorian calendric system.

The interpretation of this constant for other calendric systems is implementation-defined.

See also

struct calendar, calendar.cal_era.



    #include <stdtime.h>

    #define _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN  "Gregorian"


This is a string constant equal to the string "Gregorian". It specifies the name of the standard Gregorian calendric system, which must be supported by all conforming implementations when passed as the name argument to the initcalendar() function.

An implementation is free to provide other constants with names of the form '_CAL_NAME_XXX', representing additional calendric systems supported by the implementation.

See also

struct calendar, struct calendarinfo, calendar.cal_name, calendarinfo.ci_name, initcalendar().



    #include <stdtime.h>

    #define _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN  integer-expression


This is an integer constant which specifies the standard Gregorian calendric system supported by the implementation, and can be passed as the type argument to the getcalendarinfo() function.

An implementation is free to provide other constants with names of the form '_CAL_TYPE_XXX', representing additional calendric systems supported by the implementation.

See also

struct calendar, struct calendarinfo, calendar.cal_type, calendarinfo.ci_type, getcalendarinfo().

4.4 Constant _CAL_YR_ERROR


    #include <stdtime.h>

    #define _CAL_YR_ERROR  integer-expression


This is an integer constant that, when assigned to the cal_year member of a calendar date object, indicates an erroneous (invalid) date.

The arithmetic value of this constant must not compare equal to any valid year number of any calendric system supported by the implementation.

See also

struct calendar, calendar.cal_year.


 5. Types

Consider the geometry of how we measure time. It can be divided into circle time and square time: clock time and calendar time.

— David Ewing Duncan, The Calendar, 1998

The following types are defined in the <stdtime.h> standard header file:

    typedef longtime_t
    struct calendar
    struct calendarinfo
    struct timezone

Each type is described in detail below.

5.1 Typedef longtime_t


    #include <stdtime.h>

    typedef integer-type  longtime_t;


This type represents a long system time as reckoned by the implementation during program execution.

The contents of this type are discussed in a separate proposal. (see Proposal [P2] for more details.)

See also


5.2 Structure calendar


    #include <stdtime.h>

    struct calendar;


This structure represents a componentized date and time value according to a specific calendric system. It is also used to represent the difference between two calendar dates.

This structure is derived from the existing tm  structure, with added enhancements for better handling of timezones, multiple calendric systems, and subsecond time resolution.

The calendar structure contains the following members, in any order. These members together represent a date and time within a particular calendric system. The semantics of the members and their normal ranges are expressed in the comments, and each member is described in further detail in the sections below. The value ranges shown for each member are the minimum conforming ranges for the calendar type named "Gregorian", but do not necessarily apply to other calendar types.

    int             cal_type;       // Calendar type
    int             cal_era;        // Era number
    int             cal_year;       // Year number [1601,2400]
    int             cal_mon;        // Month of the year [1,12]
    int             cal_week;       // Week of the year [1,53]
    int             cal_mday;       // Day of the month [1,31]
    int             cal_yday;       // Day of the year [1,366]
    int             cal_wday;       // Day of the week [1,7]
    int             cal_hour;       // Hour of the day [0,23]
    int             cal_min;        // Minute of the hour [0,59]
    int             cal_sec;        // Second of the minute [0,60]
    long int        cal_nsec;       // Nanosecond [0,999999999]
    int             cal_dsti;       // Daylight Saving Time index
    int             cal_leapsec;    // Accumulated leap seconds
    const struct timezone *
                    cal_zone;       // Applied timezone and DST

The calendar structure also contains the following members, in any order. These members, together with the members defined above, represent a delta time, i.e., a componentized difference between two given date and time values with respect to a particular calendric system.

    long int        cal_nmons;      // Total months difference
    long int        cal_nweeks;     // Total weeks difference
    long int        cal_ndays;      // Total days difference

Additional implementation-defined members may exist within this structure (but any use of them is not portable). (For example, there may exist members for specifying holidays, the effects of intercalary months, religious holidays, phases of the moon, etc.) Such members must not be pointers to non-const objects.

Since calendar structure objects may be allocated by the programmer by any means at his disposal, all calendric systems must use the same calendar structure type. This implies that any additional members required to implement the rules for any particular calendric system supported by the implementation must be declared in this structure type, and thus shared by all of the supported calendric systems.

All of the members of pointer type are restricted to being null or pointing to const (presumably static) data objects, so that there are no additional memory management requirements for the library (such as requiring calls to malloc() or free() for any of the objects pointed to by these members). This allows date objects to be easily allocated statically, on the stack, or on the heap without any complicated memory allocation constraints. It also simplifies the semantics of copying date objects, passing them as arguments to functions, and returning them from functions.


int cal_dsti

Specifies a Daylight Saving Time adjustment that has been applied to the date represented by the calendar date object.

If this member is zero, no DST adjustment is in effect; if it is a positive value, it specifies the index of the member of the cal_zone->tz_z[] array that has been applied as a DST adjustment to the date (provided that the cal_zone member is not null); otherwise the member is equal to −1, specifying that the DST adjustment is indeterminate.

This member in combination with the cal_zone member specifies the difference between the time represented by the calendar date object and UTC time. If the cal_zone member is null, this member has no defined meaning.

DST adjustments are always applied in the context of a specific timezone setting. Thus the combination of the cal_zone and the cal_dsti members specifies a particular timezone setting plus a DST adjustment for a given calendar date object.

If the cal_zone member is null, then it is assumed that there is no timezone/DST combination applied to the date object.

int cal_era

Specifies the era (or cycle) of the calendar date object. Valid ranges for this member are implementation-defined.

The value of this member depends on the calendric system utilized by the date object (as specified by the cal_type member) as well as the settings of the other structure members. It is recommended (but not required) that within a given supported calendric system, the values of this member form a consecutive set of non-negative integer values.

Conforming implementations are required to support, at a minimum, a single era within the Gregorian calendric system having a value equal to the _CAL_ERA_COMMON constant, representing the AD (CE) era.

For the Gregorian calendar, this member specifies which era is represented by the date object, i.e., AD (CE) or BC (BCE).

The combination of this member and the cal_year member specifies a specific year within the calendric system employed by the calendar date object.

Since conforming implementations are only required to support a Gregorian calendar with year numbers in the range [1601,2400], they are only required to support a single era value (representing the AD/CE era), which is represented by the _CAL_ERA_COMMON constant.

This member is useful for the calendarformat() function, which could simply employ this member as an index into an array of static strings (e.g., "AD" et al).

The term "cycle" is a synonym for "era".

int cal_hour

Specifies the hour of the day of the calendar date object.

For the Gregorian calendar, this represents the number of hours since midnight.

int cal_leapsec

Specifies the number of accumulated leap seconds included in the date represented by the calendar date object. A value of INT_MIN indicates an indeterminate number.

Conforming implementations are required to support a proleptic Gregorian calendric system that includes inserted and deleted leap seconds. Note that calendar dates prior to 1972 do not have any leap second adjustments.

int cal_mday

Specifies the day of the month of the calendar date object.

int cal_min

Specifies the minute of the hour of the calendar date object.

int cal_mon

Specifies the month of the calendar date object.

The definition differs from that of the tm_mon member of the tm structure in that it encodes the exact month number, rather than the number of months since the first month of the year. Thus January in the Gregorian calendar is month number 1 (rather than 0). This is intended to simplify its usage, and to make its semantics consistent across different calendric systems.

For other calendric systems, it is implementation-defined how intercalary months are distinguished from other months.

long int cal_ndays

When the calendar date object represents the difference between two calendar dates, this member specifies the total integral (whole) number of days difference between the two dates (see function calendardiff()).

When the calendar date object represents a calendar date value, this member has no defined meaning.

long int cal_nmons

When the calendar date object represents the difference between two calendar dates, this member specifies the total integral (whole) number of months difference between the two dates (see function calendardiff()).

When the calendar date object represents a calendar date value, this member has no defined meaning.

long cal_nsec

Specifies the number of nanoseconds within the current second of the calendar date object.

This member fills a void in the capabilities of the current tm  structure by allowing for time representations with subsecond precision.

This draws on prior art from POSIX and BSD Unix systems, which define the timeval and timespec structures and the gettimeofday() system function, which provide system time values with microsecond and nanosecond precisions.

long int cal_nweeks

When the calendar date object represents the difference between two calendar dates, this member specifies the total integral (whole) number of weeks difference between the two dates (see function calendardiff()).

When the calendar date object represents a calendar date value, this member has no defined meaning.

int cal_sec

Specifies the second of the minute of the calendar date object.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having a range of seconds of at least [0,60]. The value of this member may include an inserted leap second, for a maximum value of 60.

Conforming implementations are required to support a proleptic Gregorian calendric system that includes inserted and deleted leap seconds. Note that calendar dates prior to 1972-01-01 do not have any leap second adjustments.

int cal_type

Specifies the calendric system employed by the calendar date object.

Conforming implementations are required to support at least one calendar type named "Gregorian", which corresponds to the _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN constant and which implements the date calculation rules of the worldwide Gregorian calendric system, and also includes inserted and deleted leap second adjustments.

This member is initialized by a call to the initcalendar() function. A program shall expect that this member is set to a value corresponding in some implementation-defined manner to the calendar name passed to the initcalendar() function.

All of the possible values that this member may be assigned by a call to the initcalendar() function should be defined as constants with names of the form '_CAL_TYPE_XXX'  in the <stdtime.h> standard header file.

This member allows implementations to support multiple calendric systems, each having its own unique type number. The value of this member indicates to the calendar library functions what kind of calendric system is utilized by a date object, and thus what particular date and time calculation rules to apply to that object.

It is possible that implementations may support more than one variant of the standard Gregorian calendar, e.g., those with different era names ("CE" instead of "AD") or those with gaps reflecting the historical acceptance of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, 1752, 1917, or other dates. Other variants include Gregorian calendars that observe leap second rules and those that do not.

An obvious implementation of this member is to use it as a small integer index into an array of calendric calculation tables or function pointers, which could be static data or be dynamically loaded into memory on demand, but this is by no means the only possible approach.

int cal_wday

Specifies the day of the week of the calendar date object. A value of 1 specifies the first day of the week.

For the Gregorian calendar, the first day of the week is a Monday, as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

The range of values and meaning of this member may be different for other calendric systems.

ISO 8601 rules state that weeks begin on Mondays, and that weekday numbers range from 1 to 7.

This member is defined differently than the tm_wday member of the tm structure. It is fairly trivial, however, to convert between equivalent structure member values:

    t.tm_wday = c.cal_wday % 7;
    c.cal_wday = (t.tm_wday == 0 ? 7 : t.tm_wday);

int cal_week

Specifies the week number in the year of the calendar date object.

For the Gregorian calendar, week number 1 is the first week of January having at least four days (which also contains the first Thursday, and also contains January 4th). The week number for days ocurring prior to week number 1 is the number of the last week of the previous year, and the week number for days ocurring after the last week of the year (week 52 or 53) is week 1 of the subsequent year, as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

The definition of this member corresponds to the semantics of the "%V" format specifier of the strftime() function.

ISO 8601 rules state that weeks begin on Mondays, and week number 1 of the year is the week that includes January 4th, which is also the week that includes the first Thursday of the year, and is also the first week containing at least four days in the year.


The following dates are shown with their corresponding ISO 8601 week and weekday designations and their corresponding {cal_week, cal_wday} pair.

    2000-01-01:   1999-W52-6    {week=52, wday=6}
    2001-12-31:   2002-W01-1    {week=1,  wday=1}
    2003-12-31:   2004-W01-3    {week=1,  wday=3}
    2005-01-01:   2004-W53-6    {week=53, wday=6}

int cal_yday

Specifies the day of the year of the date represented by the calendar date object.

For the Gregorian calendar, the first day of the year (i.e., the first day of January) is day number 1.

The definition differs from that of the tm_yday member of the tm structure in that it encodes the exact day number, rather than the number of days since the first day of the year. Thus January 1st in the Gregorian calendar is day number 1 (rather than 0). This is intended to simplify its usage, and to make its semantics consistent across different calendric systems.

int cal_year

Specifies the year of the calendar date object. The combination of this member and the cal_era member specifies a given year within the calendric system employed by the calendar date object.

Conforming implementations are required to support a reasonably wide range of year values for each calendar type they support. For the (proleptic) Gregorian calendar, conforming implementations are required to support year number values within a minimum range of [1601,2400].

This member may have a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that the calendar date object represents an erroneous date, i.e., that it does not represent a meaningful date. (A date object having this member set to such a value implies that the rest of the members, except for the cal_type member, do not have meaningful values.)

Within the required proleptic Gregorian calendric system, normalized member values are restricted to being positive year numbers falling within the common (AD/CE) era. Whether or not non-positive year number values have meaningful interpretations for other non-standard calendric systems is implementation-defined. It is recommended (but not required) that implementations favor only non-negative normalized year numbers within each era for a given supported calendric system.

The definition differs from that of the tm_year member of the tm structure in that it encodes the exact year number rather than an offset from some arbitrary year. This is intended to simplify its usage and make its semantics consistent across different calendric systems.

This member also encodes erroneous dates. The special marker value (_CAL_YR_ERROR) must be a value outside the range of valid year numbers for all calendric systems.

For the required proleptic Gregorian calendric system, year numbers are constrained to being positive numbers falling within the common (AD/CE) era. It is expected that negative year values will either be normalized to proper year numbers within a different era (BC/BCE), or will simply be treated as erroneous year numbers with the common era.

Mandating that conforming implementations must support years in a range of at least AD 1601 to 2400 seems like a reasonable minimum range, which provides for many applications that must deal with old dates (e.g., still-extant mortgage schedules) while also providing for dates spanning the next few centuries. This also parallels the range supported by the related proposed longtime_t type. This range spans the current and the previous 400-year cycles in the Gregorian calendar, from 1601-01-01 to 2001-01-01 to 2401-01-01. It is expected that quality implementations will support a wider range of years than this. Support for (proleptic) dates as far back as 0001-01-01 seems like a reasonable expectation.

Since this proposal mandates support of only the proleptic Gregorian calendric system, calendar date values representing times prior to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar (i.e., prior to 1585 or 1782, depending on the region) are not required to reflect actual historical dates.

const struct timezone * cal_zone

A pointer to a timezone object, specifying the timezone and Daylight Saving Time adjustments that were last applied to the calendar date object.

The combination of this member and the cal_dsti member specifies the timezone offset and DST adjustment that has been applied to the date object. This pointer can be null, which indicates that no timezone/DST combination has been applied to the date object, or if the timezone information has been removed from the date object.

This member specifies how the members of the date object have been adjusted for a particular timezone, which allows the setcalendarzone() function to change or undo such adjustments.

This member also provides a means of retrieving the name of the timezone applied to the date object, by calling the calendarformat() function.

Timezone information is represented by an entirely separate timezone structure.

The timezone object is used in conjunction with the Daylight Saving Time setting specified by the cal_dsti member to completely specify the offset from UTC represented by the calendar date object.

The technique of storing a timezone within each date object allows for the manipulating of many date objects simultaneously, each having its own independent timezone setting.

The allocation of the timezone object pointed to by this member is entirely the responsibility of the programmer. Thus, no calls to malloc() or free() are required of the standard library.

It is intended that multiple date objects can share (i.e., point to) the same timezone object, since each cal_zone member is a pointer to a const object (and thus should not be used to modify the contents of the pointed-to timezone object). This also allows date objects to be copied in a straightforward manner.

See also

_CAL_ERA_COMMON, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN, _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN, _CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendarinfo, longtime_t, struct timezone, time_t.

5.3 Structure calendarinfo


    #include <stdtime.h>

    struct calendarinfo;


This structure represents information about how a specific calendric system is implemented, providing valid ranges for each of the members of componentized calendar date objects with respect to calendric system.

The calendarinfo structure contains at least the following members, in any order. The semantics of the members and their normal ranges are expressed in the comments, and each member is described in further detail in the sections below.

    int             ci_type;            // Calendar type number
    const char *    ci_name;            // Calendar name
    longtime_t      ci_time_min;        // Earliest time value
    longtime_t      ci_time_max;        // Latest time value
    int             ci_era_min;         // Minimum era number
    int             ci_era_max;         // Maximum era number
    int             ci_year_min;        // Minimum year number (1601)
    int             ci_year_max;        // Maximum year number (2400)
    int             ci_mon_min;         // Minimum month number (1)
    int             ci_mon_max;         // Maximum month number (12)
    int             ci_week_min;        // Minimum week of the year (0)
    int             ci_week_max;        // Maximum week of the year (53)
    int             ci_mday_min;        // Minimum day of the month (1)
    int             ci_mday_max;        // Maximum day of the month (31)
    int             ci_yday_min;        // Minimum day of the year (1)
    int             ci_yday_max;        // Maximum day of the year (366)
    int             ci_wday_min;        // Minimum day of the week (1)
    int             ci_wday_max;        // Maximum day of the week (7)
    int             ci_wday1;           // Weekday present in the 1st week (4)
    int             ci_hour_min;        // Minimum hour number (0)
    int             ci_hour_max;        // Maximum hour number (23)
    int             ci_min_max;         // Maximum minute number (59)
    int             ci_sec_max;         // Maximum second number (59)
    int             ci_leap_sec;        // Leap seconds supported (1)

The values shown are the minimum values required for the required default Gregorian calendar, which might not necessarily apply to other calendar types.

Additional members may exist within this structure, but are implementation-specific (and thus use of them is not portable).

Conforming implementations are required to support at least one calendar information object for the calendar named "Gregorian".

This structure allows programs to determine the characteristics of the calendric systems supported by the implementation. In particular, the range of valid date components (e.g., valid year numbers) and whether or not leap seconds are supported are two useful pieces of information.


int ci_era_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_era member can have under the supported calendric system.

The Gregorian calendar has two eras, AD and BC (also known as CE and BCE, respectively). Conforming implementations are only required to support the AD (CE) era of the Gregorian calendar, which corresponds to the _CAL_ERA_COMMON constant, since they are only required to support Gregorian calendar year numbers within the range [1601,2400].

Implementations that support a larger range of years that spans both the AD (CE) and BC (BCE) eras, however, should support two distinct era numbers.

int ci_era_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_era member can have under the supported calendric system.

Implementations that support multiple eras may support negative era numbers.

int ci_hour_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_hour member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having hour numbers that fall within the range [0,23], where 0 represents midnight (12:00 AM).

int ci_hour_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_hour member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having hour numbers that fall within the range [0,23], where 0 represents midnight (12:00 AM).

int ci_leap_sec
This member has a nonzero value if the supported calendric system recognizes leap seconds, otherwise it has a value of zero.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric systems that includes leap second adjustments.

int ci_mday_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_mday member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having day of the month numbers that fall within the range [1,31].

int ci_mday_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_mday member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having day of the month numbers that fall within the range [1,31].

int ci_min_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_min member can have under the supported calendric system. (The minimum value is 0.)

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having minute numbers that fall within the range [0,59].

int ci_mon_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_mon member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having month numbers that fall within the range [1,12].

int ci_mon_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_mon member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having month numbers that fall within the range [1,12].

const char * ci_name
Points to a statically allocated null-terminated string containing the name of the calendric system implemented by the calendar information structure. This corresponds to the calendar name argument passed to the initcalendar() function in some implementation-defined manner, but is not required to be identical to it.

All calendar types that are supported by an implementation should, in general, have a corresponding name constant defined in the <stdtime.h> header file with a name of the form '_CAL_NAME_XXX'.

A program shall expect that this member is initialized to the address of a null-terminated string containing only printable characters, but whose contents are otherwise implementation-defined.

int ci_sec_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_sec member can have under the supported calendric system. (The minimum value is 0.)

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having second numbers that fall at least within the range [0,60]. (Note that the extra second value of 60 is needed in order to handle inserted leap seconds.)

Implementations that support leap seconds will initialize this member to a value of 60 to indicate that one additional (positive) leap second can occur on certain days. (See the ci_leap_sec member.)

longtime_t ci_time_max
Specifies the latest longtime_t value that is representable by the calendar type. In other words, this is the latest valid system time that can be converted into a meaningful calendar date object within the calendric system represented by the calendar information structure.

If no valid system times can be converted into a date of the calendar type, i.e., the calendric system spans dates outside the range of dates covered by the longtime_t type, this member compares equal to the _LONGTIME_ERROR constant.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendar that can represent system times less than at least {2401-01-01 00:00:00 Z}.

Note that this value does not necessarily indicate anything about the complete range of valid calendar dates representable by the calendar type.

longtime_t ci_time_min
Specifies the earliest longtime_t value that is representable by the calendar type. In other words, this is the earliest valid system time that can be converted into a meaningful calendar date object within the calendric system represented by the calendar information structure.

If no valid system times can be converted into a date of the calendar type, i.e., the calendric system spans dates outside the range of dates covered by the longtime_t type, this member compares equal to the _LONGTIME_ERROR constant.

Conforming implementations are required to support a proleptic Gregorian calendar that can represent system times at least as far back as {1601-01-01 00:00:00 Z}.

Note that this value does not necessarily indicate anything about the complete range of valid calendar dates representable by the calendar type.

int ci_type
Specifies the calendar type of the calendar information structure. Conforming implementations are required to support at least one calendar type named "Gregorian", which implements the date calculation rules of the worldwide standard (proleptic) Gregorian calendric system.

A program shall expect that this member is set to a value corresponding in some implementation-defined manner to the calendar name passed to the getcalendarinfo() function.

All of the possible values that this member may be assigned by a call to the getcalendarinfo() function should be defined as constants with names of the form '_CAL_TYPE_XXX'  in the <stdtime.h> standard header file.

This member allows implementations to support multiple calendric systems, each having its own unique type number. The value of this member indicates to the library functions what kind of calendric system is utilized by a date object, and thus what particular date and time calculation rules to apply to that object.

An obvious implementation of this member is to use it as a small integer index into an array of calendric calculation tables or function pointers, which could be static data or be dynamically loaded into memory on demand, but this is by no means the only possible approach.

int ci_wday_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_wday member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having weekday numbers that fall within the range [1,7], where 1 represents Monday, as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

ISO 8601 rules state that weeks begin on Mondays, and that weekday numbers range from 1 to 7.

int ci_wday_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_wday member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having weekday numbers that fall within the range [1,7], where 1 represents Monday, as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

ISO 8601 rules state that weeks begin on Mondays and that weekday numbers range from 1 to 7.

int ci_wday1
Specifies the day of the week that is always present in the first week of the year. If this value is indeterminate, the member is set to −1.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having a first week of the year containing a Thursday (day number 4), as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

int ci_week_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_week member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having week numbers that fall within the range [1,53], as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

int ci_week_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_week member can have under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having week numbers that fall within the range [1,53], as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

int ci_yday_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_yday member can have (within any valid year) under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having day of the year numbers that fall within the range [1,366] as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

ISO 8601 rules state that days of the year are numbered in the range from 1 to 366, with January 1st being day number 1.

int ci_yday_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_yday member can have (within any valid year) under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having day of the year numbers that fall within the range [1,366] as per the rules of ISO 8601 (see reference [3]).

ISO 8601 rules state that days of the year are numbered in the range from 1 to 366, with January 1st being day number 1.

int ci_year_max
Specifies the maximum value that the cal_year member can have (within any valid era) under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a Gregorian calendric system having a maximum year number not less than 2400.

Implementations that support a Gregorian calendar with a wider range of year numbers are encouraged to support all of the calendar year numbers that are convertible into valid longtime_t values.

int ci_year_min
Specifies the minimum value that the cal_year member can have (within any valid era) under the supported calendric system.

Conforming implementations are required to support a proleptic Gregorian calendric system having a minimum year number not greater than 1601.

Implementations that support a Gregorian calendar with a wider range of year numbers are encouraged to implement the proleptic Gregorian calendar, which assumes that the rules for leap days are in effect for all dates prior to the present date. While this does not reflect the true historical dates, it is a much simpler and more predictable model to implement and use.

See also

_CAL_ERA_COMMON, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN, _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN, _CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar, longtime_t, struct timezone, time_t.

5.4 Structure timezone


    #include <stdtime.h>

    struct timezone;


This type represents a timezone offset and its Daylight Saving Time variants.

The contents of this structure are discussed in a separate proposal. see Proposal [P1] for more details.)

See also

struct calendar.


 6. Functions

It is given to us to live for the most part under the guidance of the discipline of Mathematics. If we learn the hours by it, if we calculate the courses of the moon, if we take note of the time lapsed in the recurring year, we will be taught by numbers and preserved from confusion. Remove the computus from the world, and everything is given over to blind ignorance.

— Cassiodorus, ca. 550

The following functions are defined in the <stdtime.h> standard header.


Each function is described in detail below.

6.1 Function calendaradd()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int calendaradd(struct calendar *date, const struct calendar *dif, int add);


Adds or subtracts a componentized delta time to a calendar date.

Argument date points to a calendar date object to be modified. If the cal_type member of this object does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails. If the cal_year member of this object has a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, the function fails.

Argument dif points to a componentized delta time. The values of the members of the delta time object are not constrained to fall within their normal ranges. (The delta time object may be the result of a call calendardiff().)

If argument add is zero, the delta time is added to the calendar date, otherwise it is subtracted.

The following members of the delta time are added to or subtracted from the calendar date:

    cal_era         // Total eras difference
    cal_year        // Total years difference
    cal_mon         // Months difference less than a year
    cal_mday        // Days difference less than a month
    cal_hour        // Hours difference less than a day
    cal_min         // Minutes difference less than an hour
    cal_sec         // Seconds difference less than a minute
    cal_nsec        // Nanoseconds difference less than a second
    cal_leapsec     // Leap seconds difference

The following members of the delta time are also used, depending on the values of some of the members above:

    cal_nmons       // Total months difference,
                    //  if cal_mon and cal_mday are both zero
    cal_nweeks      // Total weeks difference,
                    //  if cal_mon, cal_mday, and cal_nmons are all zero
    cal_ndays       // Total days difference,
                    //  if cal_mon, cal_mday, cal_nmons, and cal_nweeks are all zero

Other members may be used if the cal_type member designates a calendric system other than the standard Gregorian calendar. The remaining members are ignored.

After the calendar date is modified by the delta time, its members are normalized so that their values fall within their normal ranges.


The function returns zero on success.

If the cal_type member has a value that is not supported by the implementation, the function fails and returns −1.

If the cal_year member of the calendar date object has a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that the date object represents an erroneous date, the function fails and returns −1.

If the resulting adjusted date cannot be represented as a valid date within the calendric system employed by the date object, the function fails and returns a negative value.


The following function adds a specified number of months to a given date object.

    #include <stdtime.h>

    int add_months(struct calendar *date, int months)
        struct calendar     dif;

        // Convert months into a delta time
        initcalendar(&dif, "");
        dif.cal_year =  0;
        dif.cal_nmons = months;

        // Add the delta time to the given date
        return calendaradd(date, &dif, 0);

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, calendar.cal_type, calendar.cal_year, calendardiff().

6.2 Function calendardiff()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int calendardiff(struct calendar *dif,
            const struct calendar *a, const struct calendar *b);


Determines the difference between two calendar dates as a componentized delta time representing the absolute difference between the two dates.

While it is fairly easy to determine the difference between two calendar dates as the number of seconds between the two (using the mktime(), mklongtime(), and difftime() functions, and assuming that the dates can be converted into valid system time values), it is nontrivial to determine the difference as a componentized date value.

For example, the difference between 1979-01-01 and 1980-02-02 is exactly one year, one month, and one day when represented as a componentized calendar date. By the same token, the difference between 1980-01-01 and 1981-02-02 is also exactly one year, one month, and one day. However, the former difference represents a total span of 397 (365+31+1) days, while the latter difference represents a total span of 398 (366+31+1) days because 1980 is a leap year. Hence the need for this function.

Arguments a and b point to a calendar date objects. The resulting delta time is the absolute difference between date a and date b. If the cal_type member of either calendar date object does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails. Undefined behavior results if the cal_type members have different values. (This implies that the difference between two calendar dates can be determined portably only if the date objects represent dates within the same calendric system.) Undefined behavior results if the date objects contain unnormalized member values.

The proper way to compare two dates of different calendar types is to normalize and convert one of the dates into a date within the calendric system of the other date, or to convert both dates into dates within a common calendric system (such as the standard proleptic Gregorian calendar), and then to compare the normalized dates. The resulting delta time can then be converted back into one of the two original calendric systems, if so desired.

This assumes that the two calendar date objects are representable as valid dates within both calendric systems, or in other words that the two calendric systems span overlapping date ranges. If this is not the case, then dates within the two disparate calendars cannot be compared.

If the cal_year member of either date object has a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, the function fails.

Argument dif points to a componentized delta time object, the members of which are modified to represent the absolute (non-negative) difference between the two calendar dates. This argument may be null, in which case the difference is computed but no componentized difference is returned. (Passing a null pointer for the dif argument thus serves simply to compare the calendar dates pointed to by a and b.)

The members of the delta time object pointed to by dif are set to values as described below. Each member is set to the least possible non-negative value that is less than its maximum normalized value, except for the cal_era and cal_year members, which may be set to values that exceed their normal ranges.

    cal_type        // Same calendar type as 'a' and 'b'
    cal_era         // Total eras difference
    cal_year        // Total years difference
    cal_mon         // Months difference of less than a year
    cal_week        // Weeks difference of less than a year
    cal_mday        // Days difference of less than a month
    cal_yday        // Days difference of less than a year
    cal_wday        // Weekdays difference of less than a week
    cal_hour        // Hours difference of less than a day
    cal_min         // Minutes difference of less than an hour
    cal_sec         // Seconds difference of less than a minute
    cal_nsec        // Nanoseconds difference of less than a second
    cal_nmons       // Total months difference
    cal_nweeks      // Total weeks difference
    cal_ndays       // Total days difference
    cal_dsti        // Zero
    cal_leapsec     // Leap seconds difference
    cal_zone        // Null

The cal_type member of the delta time object is set to the same value as the cal_type member of either of the calendar date objects.

If the cal_year member of either of the date objects pointed to by a or b has a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, the cal_year member of the date object pointed to by dif is set to a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that an erroneous date value was encountered, and the function returns a nonzero value.


If successful, the function modifies the delta time object appropriately and returns a signed value, which is zero if date a is equivalent to date b, a negative value if date a occurs before date b, or a positive value if date a occurs after date b. Note that some calendric systems may allow multiple representations of the same (equivalent) date.

On failure, the function sets the cal_year member of the delta time object to a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR and returns a negative value equal to INT_MIN.


The following function determines the componentized difference between two calendar dates and prints the result to the standard output.

    #include <limits.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void print_diff(const struct calendar *a, const struct calendar *b)
        struct calendar     dif;
        int                 r;

        // Compute the difference between the two dates
        r = calendardiff(&dif, a, b);

        if (r != INT_MIN)
            // Print the componentized difference
            printf("%dy %dm %dd and %02d:%02:%02d.%03ld\n",
                dif.cal_year, dif.cal_mon, dif.cal_mday,
                dif.cal_hour, dif.cal_min, dif.cal_sec,
            printf("%d years and %d weeks\n",
                dif.cal_year, dif.cal_week);
            printf("%d years and %d days\n",
                dif.cal_year, dif.cal_yday);
            printf("%ld months, %ld weeks, %ld days total\n",
                dif.cal_nmons, dir.cal_nweeks, dif.cal_ndays);
            // An error occurred

Given the two dates:

    a = 1980-01-01 01:02:16.555 Z 
    b = 1982-02-02 02:04:03.000 Z 

the output of this function is:

    2y 1m 1d and 01:01:46.445
    2 years and 4 weeks
    2 years and 32 days
    25 months, 109 weeks, 763 days total

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar.

6.3 Function calendarformat()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int calendarformat(char *buf, size_t max, const char *fmt,
            const struct calendar *date, const struct timezone *zone);


Formats a calendar date, converting it into a printable representation.

This function is equivalent to strftime() except for the calendar structure type and the additional timezone parameter. It also deals with erroneous date values.

Pointer buf points to a character array that will be filled with the formatted date. No more than max characters, including a terminating null character, will be written into array buf.

Pointer date points to a calendar date object. If the cal_type member of this object does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails. If the cal_year member of this object has a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, the function fails.

Pointer zone points to a timezone object. This may be null, in which case no timezone or Daylight Saving Time adjustment is assumed, i.e., the date object is treated as if it represents a time relative to UTC.

This parameter typically points to the same object as date->cal_zone, but is not required to.

The formatting string pointed to by fmt contains characters and conversion specifier sequences beginning with a '%' character. The conversion specifiers recognized are the same as for the strftime() function except for the "%Z" specifier, and following specifiers are also recognized:

  %f is replaced by the nanosecond as a decimal number (000000000–999999999). An optional sequence of decimal digits may follow the '%', specifying the exact number of digits, including leading zeros, to insert into the formatted string. (Any digits occurring to the right of the last digit inserted are truncated, as per the ISO 8601 rules for representating decimal fractions.) [cal_nsec]
  %L is replaced by the accumulated leap seconds adjustments. [cal_leapsec]
  %Q is replaced by the locale's era name or abbreviation. [cal_era]
  %Z is replaced by the name of the time zone as specified by the zone object, or by no characters if zone is null. [cal_zone, cal_dsti]

The "%f" format specifier allows the rightmost least significant digits of the nanosecond count to be truncated (instead of allowing for rounding). This follows the ISO 8601 rules for the representation of decimal fractions and for reduced precision formats. (See section of reference [3].) It also agrees with the practice of truncating portions of date and time values on the right to produce shorter values of reduced precision, e.g., specifying hh:mm as an abbreviated form of hh:mm:ss.

The "%Z" format specifier takes its value from the timezone object instead from (presumably) global data.

Some of the format specifiers in the string pointed to by fmt are affected by the current LC_TIME locale setting.


The function returns the number of characters written to the string pointed to by buf if successful. If an error occurs, a negative value is returned which is the negated index of the character within the string pointed to by fmt where the error was first detected.

If the cal_year member of the calendar date object has a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that the date object represents an erroneous date, the contents of the string pointed to by buf are not modified, and the function returns −1.

If the cal_type member has a value that is not supported by the implementation, the function fails and returns −1.


The following function formats a calendar date and writes it to the standard output.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void print_date(const struct calendar *date)
        char    buf[80];

        // Format the calendar date
        calendarformat(buf, sizeof(buf),
            "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f %Z", date, date->cal_zone);

        // Print the formatted calendar date
        printf("%s\n", buf);

Example output from this function:

    Tue 2001-09-11 08:50:23.166 EDT

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar, struct timezone.

6.4 Function calendarscanf()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int calendarscanf(const char *buf, const char *fmt,
            struct calendar *date, struct timezone *zone);


Parses the contents of the string pointed to by buf, which contains a series of characters that form a date (such as one produced by a prior call to the calendarformat() function), filling the members of the date object pointed to by date and the members of the timezone object pointed to by zone appropriately. The interpretation of the contents of string buf is controlled by the format string fmt.

This function is similar to the strptime() function provided by POSIX.

Argument date points to a calendar date object. If the cal_type member of this object does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails.

Argument zone points to a timezone object. This argument may be null, even if timezone format specifiers are present within the format string fmt.

The contents of the string pointed to by fmt are composed of whitespace characters, format specifiers (which begin with a "%" character), and regular characters.

The parsing of the source string pointed to by buf proceeds by scanning from left to right, while proceeding in a corresponding fashion interpreting the formatting control string, attempting to match characters and format specifiers. If a character in the source string does not match the corresponding character or format specifier in the format control string, the parsing fails and an error is returned.

Whitespace characters in the formatting string match one or more whitespace characters, of any type, in the source string. Regular characters in the formatting string match the exact same character in the source string. Format specifiers match one or more non-whitespace characters in the source string, as expected by the rules described for the calendarformat() function, except that alphabetic characters are matched without regard to case.

In addition to handling the format specifiers of the calendarformat() function, the following specifier is also recognized:

  %? skips any character in the input string. An optional sequence of decimal digits may follow the '%', specifying the exact number of characters to skip; or an optional '*' character may follow the '%', specifying that all non-whitespace characters are to be skipped in the source string up to the next whitespace character or the terminating null character.

The "%?" format specifier is a new invention. It is felt that there is a need to ignore sequences of non-whitespace characters that are otherwise unpredictable when a source string is being parsed.

The "%n" and "%t" format specifiers match exactly one whitespace character (a newline or a tab character, respectively) in the source string.

The timezone format specifiers cause the source string to be scanned for timezone names. Conforming implementations are required to support, at a minimum, the timezone name "Z" designating UTC, names specified by the following syntax:

        [+|-] [h]h [ mm ]

A timezone name and/or offset scanned from the source string is copied into the first element of the tz_z member of the timezone object if zone is not null. In addition, the cal_dsti member of the date object is set to zero.

Additional (non-portable) timezone names and syntax may be supported by the implementation.


Returns the number of characters read from buf, or a negative value if an error occurs.

If the scanned source string specifies a date that cannot be represented as a valid calendar date, or if the source string is ill-formed, then the cal_year member of the date object is set to a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that the date object represents an erroneous date, and the function returns a negative value. It is unspecified whether any of the other members of the date object or the timezone object will be set to meaningful values in such a case.

If the cal_type member does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails and returns a negative value.

The cal_zone and cal_dsti members of the date object are not modified.


The following function parses a string containing a formatted date, producing a calendar date and printing its contents to the standard output.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void parse_date(const char *buf)
        struct calendar     date;
        struct timezone     zone;
        int                 rc;

        // Parse the formatted date string
        rc = calendarscanf(buf,
                "%a %Y-%b-%d %2? %H:%M:%S.%3f %Z", &date, &zone);
        setcalendarzone(&date, NULL, &zone);

        // Print the resulting calendar date
        if (rc >= 0)
            printf("%dwd, %dy %dm %dd, %dh %dm %d.%03lds %s\n",
                date.cal_year, date.cal_mon, date.cal_mday,
                date.cal_hour, date.cal_min, date.cal_sec,

Given an input string of:

    buf = "Thu 1776-Jul-04 at 09:45:03.074 CDT"

the output from this function is:

    4wd, 1776y 7m 4d, 9h 45m 3.074s CDT

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar, struct timezone, calendarformat(), initcalendar().

6.5 Function convertcalendar()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int convertcalendar(struct calendar *dst, const struct calendar *src);


Copies the calendar date object pointed to by src to the calendar date object pointed to by dst, converting between different calendric systems as appropriate.

The date object pointed to by dst must have been properly initialized by a prior call to the initcalendar() function (i.e., its cal_type member must have a properly initialized value.)

If the date object pointed to by src represents an erroneous date (i.e., if its cal_year member has a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant), the date object pointed to by dst is set to represent an erroneous date also, i.e., its cal_year member is set to a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant.

Implementations are only required to support conversions to and from the standard (proleptic) Gregorian calendric system (i.e., calender date objects having a cal_type equal to _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN).


Returns zero if the calendar date was successfully converted, or a negative value if the calendar date could not be converted, or a positive nonzero value if the resulting converted calendar date represents an erroneous date.

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar, initcalendar().

6.6 Function getcalendarinfo()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    const struct calendarinfo * getcalendarinfo(int type);


Retrieves a calendar information object corresponding to the specified calendric system. The calendar information object contains information about the supported ranges of values for the members of the calendar structure.

The type argument specifies the numeric type of a calendric system (which can be the value of the cal_type member of a calendar object). The value of such a number is implementation-defined. All conforming implementations, however, must support at least one calendric system with a type equal to the _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN constant. The type argument may be equal to zero, in which case it specifies the default calendric system of the current locale.


Returns a pointer to a (static) calendar information object corresponding to the specified calendric system type, or null if no matching calendric information object is supported by the implementation.

The structure returned by this function provides information about the valid range of values for various members of the calendar structure, such as the minimum and maximum year number values for valid dates.

The calendar information objects returned are expected to comprise a reasonably small set of supported calendric systems. They are intended to be treated as though they reside in static memory as non-modifiable data. As such, they do not require the use of malloc() or free() calls.


The following function retrieves the information for a given calendric system by name.

    #include <stdtime.h>

    const struct calendarinfo * info_by_name(const char *name)
        struct calendar     date;

        // Initialize a date object for the given calendric system
        if (initcalendar(&date, name) < 0)
            return NULL;

        // Retrieve the named calendric system info
        return getcalendarinfo(date.cal_type);

See also

struct calendar, calendar.cal_type, struct calendarinfo.

6.7 Function initcalendar()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int initcalendar(struct calendar *date, const char *name);


Initializes a calendar date object and sets it to use a specified calendric system.

Argument date points to a calendar date object, the members of which are reset to default values. The cal_type member is set to a value corresponding to the calendric system specified by the name argument. The cal_year member is set to a value equal to the _CAL_YR_ERROR constant, indicating that the date object does not (yet) represent a valid date. All other members of the date object are set to zero or null.

The name argument points to a null-terminated string containing the name of a calendric system. The format and contents of such a string are implementation-defined. The manner in which the name argument corresponds to the names of calendric systems is implementation-defined. The name argument may point to an empty string (""), in which case it specifies the default calendric system of the current locale. All conforming implementations must support at least one calendric system matching the name "Gregorian". (See also the _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN constant.)

If the specified name does not correspond to a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails and the contents of the date object are left in an indeterminate state.


The function returns zero on success, or a negative value if an error occurs.

The cal_type member allows implementations to support multiple calendric systems, each having its own unique type number. The value of this member indicates to the calendar library functions what kind of calendric system is utilized by a date object, and thus what particular date and time calculation rules to apply to that object.

It is conceivable that implementations may support more than one variant of the standard Gregorian calendar, e.g., those with different era names ("CE" instead of "AD") or those with gaps reflecting the historical acceptance of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, 1752, 1917, etc. Other variants include Gregorian calendars that observe leap second rules and those that do not.

Implementations could allow the calendar name to specify the name of a dynamic shared library, allowing programs to load calendric systems dynamically at runtime.


The following function initializes a calendar date object with the Gregorian calendar and the local timezone, but does not set it to any particular date value.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    int init_date(struct calendar *date)
        struct timezone *   zone;

        // Initialize the calendar date object
        if (initcalendar(date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN) != 0)
            printf("Bad calendar initialization\n");
            return -1;

        // Initialize the local timezone
        zone = malloc(sizeof(*zone));
        if (inittimezone(zone, "") != 0)
            printf("Bad timezone initialization\n");
            return -1;

        // Set the timezone of the date object
        date->cal_zone = zone;
        return 0;

The following function duplicates (clones) the contents of a calendar date object.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>
    #include <string.h>

    struct calendar * clone_date(const struct calendar *date)
        struct calendar *   dup;

        // Duplicate the date object
        dup = malloc(sizeof(*date));
        memcpy(dup, date, sizeof(*date));
        return dup;

See also

_CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN, _CAL_YR_ERROR, struct calendar, getcalendarinfo().

6.8 Function mklongtime()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    longtime_t mklongtime(struct calendar *date, const struct timezone *zone);


Normalizes a calendar date and converts it into its equivalent long system time value.

This function provides the same functionality for longtime_t and calendar structure values as function mktime() does for time_t and tm structure values. It has a different interface, however.

This function makes use of the longtime_t type, which is defined in another related proposal (see Proposal [P2]).

Argument date points to a calendar date object. The members of the date object are normalized by modifying their values to fall within their normal ranges, while maintaining the same date value represented by the date object (if possible). The values of the members of the date object are not constrained to fall within their normal ranges upon entry to the function, but are so constrained upon returning from the function.

The values of the following members of the structure are used to perform the conversion:


If the cal_type member of the date object designates a calendric system different from the standard Gregorian calendar, other members may be used to perform the conversion. Otherwise, the remaining members of the structure are ignored for the purposes of conversion.

If the cal_type member of the date object specifies a calendar type that is not supported by the implementation, the function fails.

If the cal_year member of the date object has a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR (indicating that the calendar date is invalid), the function fails.

The cal_leapsec member specifies the number of leap seconds to be included in the resulting converted long time value. If this member is INT_MIN, the number of accumulated leap seconds is determined from the long time value after the conversion takes place, based on historical leap second insertions and deletions. If the member is zero, no leap seconds are included in the resulting value. Any other value specifies an exact number of leap seconds to add to the resulting long time value.

Argument zone points to a timezone object containing timezone and Daylight Saving Time adjustments that have been made to the date represented by the calendar date object. (This is typically equal to the cal_zone member of the calendar date object, but is not required to be.) The timezone and DST adjustments are applied in reverse (i.e., undone) on the calendar date before it is converted into a long time value. This argument can be null, in which case no timezone or DST adjustments are applied to the calendar date, i.e., the conversion is done with respect to UTC.

If the normalized calendar date does not represent a meaningful date, or cannot be converted into a valid long time value after adjustments have been applied, the function fails.


If successful, the function returns the resulting long time value.

On failure, the function returns a value equal to _LONGTIME_ERROR. In addition, if the date object cannot be normalized into a meaningful date, the cal_year member of the date object is set to a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, and the remaining members of the date object have indeterminate values.

Because it is possible for the function to successfully normalize the members of the calendar date object, but otherwise be unable to return a valid long time value (i.e., because the resulting date is not representable as a long time value), both the value returned by the function and the value of the cal_year member should be examined to determine the exact nature of the failure.

It is entirely possible that some calendar date values are not representable as valid longtime_t values because they fall outside the range of system time values supported by the implementation. In such cases, an error is returned.


The function below converts a calendar date into its corresponding long time value.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    longtime_t date_to_longtime(const struct calendar *date)
        struct calendar     d2;
        longtime_t          t;

        // Print the calendar date
        printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03ld %s",
            date->cal_year, date->cal_mon, date->cal_mday,
            date->cal_hour, date->cal_min, date->cal_sec,

        // Convert the calendar date into a long time
        d2 = *date;
        t = mklongtime(&d2, d2.cal_zone);
        printf("-> %lld\n", (long long)t);
        return t;

The following code fragment determines if a particular {year,mon,mday} combination constitutes a valid calendar date within the current locale's calendric system.

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    bool check_date(int yr, int mon, int day)
        struct calendar     date;

        // Set the date of a new date object
        initcalendar(&date, "");
        date.cal_year = yr;
        date.cal_mon =  mon;
        date.cal_mday = day;

        // Verify that the date is normalized
        if (mklongtime(&date, NULL) == _LONGTIME_ERROR)
            return false;
        if (date.cal_year != yr  ||
            date.cal_mon !=  mon  ||
            date.cal_mday != day)
            return false;
        return true;

The following code fragment converts the current system into a calendar date and then back into a system time, and then determines the difference between the before and after values.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void convert_and_compare(void)
        longtime_t          now;
        longtime_t          then;
        struct calendar     date;

        // Get the current system time
        now = getlongtime();

        // Convert the time into a calendar date
        initcalendar(&date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);
        setcalendartime(&date, NULL, now);

        // Convert the date back into a system time
        then = mklongtime(&date, NULL);

        // Display the difference between the two system times
        printf("Difference: %lld sec\n", (long long int)then - now));

The function below prints the long time value corresponding to the date {2001-07-04 12:00:00 Z}.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>
    #include <string.h>

    longtime_t time_2001()
        struct calendar     date;
        longtime_t          t;

        // Set the calendar date
        initcalendar(&date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);
        date.cal_era =  _CAL_ERA_COMMON;
        date.cal_year = 2001;
        date.cal_mon =  7;
        date.cal_mday = 4;
        date.cal_hour = 12;

        // Convert the calendar date into a long time
        t = mklongtime(&date, NULL);
        printf("04 Jul 2001: %lld\n", (long long)t);
        return t;

The following function adds 60 days to a given date and normalizes it into a valid calendar date.

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    bool add_60d(struct calendar *date)
        // Add 60 days to the date and renormalize it
        date->cal_mday += 60;
        return mklongtime(date, date->cal_zone) != _LONGTIME_ERROR;

The following function converts a count of the number of seconds since {1970-01-01 00:00:00 Z}, sans leap seconds, into its corresponding calendar date.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    struct calendar * posix_date(long secs)
        struct calendar *   date;

        // Initialize a date object
        date = malloc(sizeof(struct calendar));
        initcalendar(date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);

        // Convert the POSIX seconds count into a date
        date->cal_era =  _CAL_ERA_COMMON;
        date->cal_year = 1970;
        date->cal_mday = (int)(secs / (24L*60*60));
        secs %= 24L*60*60;
        date->cal_hour = (int)(secs / (60*60));
        secs %= 60*60;
        date->cal_sec =  (int)(secs);

        // Normalize the date
        mklongtime(date, NULL);
        return date;

See also

_CAL_YR_ERROR, _LONGTIME_ERROR, struct calendar, longtime_t, struct timezone, setcalendartime().

6.9 Function setcalendartime()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int setcalendartime(struct calendar *date, const struct timezone *zone,
            longtime_t t);


Converts a long system time value into a calendar date for a given timezone.

Argument t is a long system time value. If it is equal to the _LONGTIME_ERROR constant, the function fails.

Argument date points to a calendar date object, whose members are modified to reflect the date and time represented by the long time value t. If the cal_type member of the date object has a value that does not designate a calendric system supported by the implementation, the function fails.

Argument zone points to a timezone object, specifying the timezone and Daylight Saving Time adjustments to apply to the resulting calendar date. The cal_zone member of the date object is set to point to this timezone object, and the cal_dsti member is modified to reflect the index of one of the members of the tz_z member of the timezone object that represents the appropriate zone and Daylight Saving Time offset that applies to the resulting calendar date. This argument may be null, in which case no timezone or DST adjustments will be made to the converted date, i.e., it will be treated as if it represents a date relative to UTC.

The cal_leapsec member of date is set to the total number of accumulated leap seconds within long time value t. If the number of leap seconds cannot be determined, the member is set to INT_MIN.

If the resulting converted date and time cannot be properly represented by a calendar date object, the function fails.


On success, the function returns zero.

On failure, the cal_year member of the date object is set to a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, and the function returns an negative value. Except for cal_type, the remaining members of the date object have indeterminate values.

This function operates similarly to the gmtime() and localtime() functions, converting a longtime_t value into a calendar date. However, it performs the date conversion with respect to a specific timezone and DST variants. It also handles erroneous time values.

If there is no timezone setting specified, the converted date represents a "bare" date and time irrespective of any timezone, or in other words, a date and time with respect to UTC.

It is possible that some longtime_t values are not representable as valid calendar dates because they fall outside the range of dates supported by the implementation. In such cases, the function fails.


The following function retrieves the current time and converts it into a calendar date object for the local timezone.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    struct calendar * get_date(void)
        struct timezone *  zone;
        struct calendar *  date;

        // Allocate and initialize a timezone object
        zone = malloc(sizeof(*zone));
        inittimezone(zone, "");

        // Allocate and initialize a calendar date object
        date = malloc(sizeof(*date));
        initcalendar(date, "");
        date->cal_zone = zone;

        // Set the calendar date to the current system time
        setcalendartime(date, zone, getlongtime());
        return date;

See also

_LONGTIME_ERROR, struct calendar, struct timezone, mklongtime(), setcalendarzone().

6.10 Function setcalendarzone()


    #include <stdtime.h>

    int setcalendarzone(struct calendar *date,
            const struct timezone *oldzone, const struct timezone *newzone);


Applies a specified timezone to a calendar date object, after first undoing the effects of another timezone previously applied to it.

Argument date points to a calendar date object to be modified. The members of the object are modified appropriately by the timezone adjustments (in particular, the cal_dsti and cal_zone members), and then normalized so that they fall within their normal ranges.

Argument oldzone points to a timezone object, representing the timezone that was previously applied to the date object. The pointer argument may be null, in which case the date object is assumed to have no previously applied timezone or Daylight Saving Time adjustments, i.e., the date object is treated as if it represents a time relative to UTC.

This argument is typically the same as the cal_zone member of the date object, i.e., date->cal_zone.

Argument newzone points to a timezone object, representing the timezone and Daylight Saving Time adjustments to apply to the date object. The pointer argument may be null, in which case no timezone or Daylight Saving Time adjustments are applied, i.e., the timezone object is treated as if it is equivalent to UTC.

If the cal_type member of the date object has a value that is not supported by the implementation, the function fails.

If the adjusted calendar date cannot be normalized into a meaningful date, the function fails.


If successful, the cal_zone member of the date object is set to point to the timezone object pointed to by newzone, and the function returns zero.

If the function fails, the cal_year member of the date object is set to a value equal to _CAL_YR_ERROR, and the function returns a negative value. The remaining members of the date object have indeterminate values.

Given a date object imbued with a specific date and time, and a timezone object for a specific timezone, that timezone object can be "applied to" the date object, which modifies the members of the date object in the appropriate fashion so that the resulting member values represent the same date and time but in the given timezone. Thus, applying a timezone to a date object is equivalent to shifting the original calendar date value from the UTC timezone into another timezone by adding the timezone offset.

Once a date object has had a timezone applied to it, it remembers that particular timezone setting (by setting its cal_zone member).

Multiple date objects can share (point to) the same timezone object, since the cal_zone member points to a const timezone object.

The effects of applying a timezone to a date object can also be undone by calling the setcalendarzone() function on the object, applying a different (or no) timezone. This is equivalent to shifting a calendar date value from one particular timezone to another.

Applying a null timezone setting to a date object essentially removes all effects of any timezone, thus making the calendar date relative to no specific timezone (making it a date relative to UTC).


The following function reverses the Daylight Saving Time adjustments of a given calendar date.

    #include <stdtime.h>

    void undo_dst(struct calendar *date)
        int     adj;

        // Check the date object
        if (date == NULL)
        if (date->cal_zone == NULL)

        // Undo the DST adjustment
        if (date->cal_dsti > 0)
            // Determine the DST adjustment
            adj = date->cal_zone.tz_z[date->cal_dsti].z_dst;
            date->cal_sec += adj;

            // Renormalize the date
            mklongtime(date, NULL);

See also

struct calendar, struct timezone, setcalendartime().


 7. Examples

Ah, but my calculations, people say,
Have squared the year to human Compass, eh?
If so, by striking from the calendar
Unborn tomorrow and dead yesterday.

— Omar Khayyám, The Rubáiyát, ca. 1100

The following code examples illustrate the use of the various proposed calendar date functions.

Example 1

The following function determines the current date and time, converts it into a calendar date, formats it as a printable string, and writes it to the standard output.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void print_time(void)
        struct timezone     zone;
        struct calendar     date;
        char                buf[80];

        // Get a timezone for the locale and local timezone
        inittimezone(&zone, "");

        // Get a date object for the locale and local timezone
        initcalendar(&date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);

        // Set the calendar date to the current system time
        setcalendartime(&date, &zone, getlongtime());

        // Format the calendar date for printing
        calendarformat(buf, sizeof(buf),
            "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f %Z", &date, &zone);

        // Display the current date and time
        printf("%s\n", buf);

Example output from this function:

    Thu 2002-12-13 09:45:30.166 CST

The function above is almost equivalent to the following function, which uses the existing C99 tm structure functions.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void print_time2(void)
        struct tm   ts;
        time_t      now;
        char        buf[80];

        // Get the current time

        // Convert the current time to a calendar date
        ts = *localtime(&now);

        // Format the calendar date for printing
        strftime(buf, sizeof(buf),
            "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000 %Z", &ts);

        // Display the current date and time
        printf("%s\n", buf);

Example 2

The following function changes the timezone setting of a calendar date from its original timezone to a different one.

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    bool change_tz(struct calendar *date, const char *tzname)
        struct timezone *  zone;

        // Allocate and initialize a new timezone object
        zone = malloc(sizeof(*zone));
        if (inittimezone(zone, tzname) != 0)
            return false;

        // Change the timezone settings of the calendar date
        return setcalendarzone(date, date->cal_zone, zone) == 0;

Example 3

The following function creates a calendar date of {2001-09-11 08:50:00 EDT} (where EDT is Eastern Daylight Time, 5 hours west of UTC), then adds 60 days to it.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void add_60_days(void)
        struct timezone     zone;
        struct calendar     date;
        char                buf[80];

        // Build a date of 2001-09-11 08:50:00 EDT
        inittimezone(&zone, "EST5EDT");
        initcalendar(&date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);
        date.cal_year = 2001;
        date.cal_mon =  9;
        date.cal_mday = 11;
        date.cal_hour = 8;
        date.cal_min =  50;

        // Format and print the date
        calendarformat(buf, sizeof(buf),
            "%a %Y-%b-%d %H:%M %Z", &date, &zone);
        printf("%s\n", buf);

        // Add 60 days to the date and renormalize it
        date.cal_mday += 60;
        mklongtime(&date, &zone);

        // Format and print the new date
        calendarformat(buf, sizeof(buf),
            "%a %Y-%b-%d %H:%M %Z", &date, &zone);
        printf("%s\n", buf);

Adding 60 days to the original date results in a new date that is no longer in Daylight Saving Time, so the timezone changes from EDT to EST. The output from this function is:

    Tue 2001-Sep-11 08:50 EDT
    Sat 2001-Nov-10 07:50 EST

Example 4

The following function determines on what day of the week the date 1776-07-04 occurs (within the proleptic Gregorian calendar).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdtime.h>

    void weekday_1776(void)
        struct calendar     date;
        char                buf[80];

        // Build a date of 1776-07-04 12:00:00 Z
        initcalendar(&date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);
        date.cal_year = 1776;
        date.cal_mon =  7;
        date.cal_mday = 4;
        date.cal_hour = 12;

        // Determine the weekday by normalizing the date
        mklongtime(&date, NULL);

        // Print the resulting day of the week
        calendarformat(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a", &date, NULL);
        printf("%s\n", buf);

Example 5

The following function converts calendar dates from structure type tm to structure type calendar.

    #include <stdtime.h>
    #include <time.h>

    // Convert a 'tm' struct into a 'calendar' struct
    void tm_to_calendar(struct calendar *date, const struct tm *ts)
        int     v;

        /* Fill the contents of 'cal' from 'ts' */
        initcalendar(date, _CAL_NAME_GREGORIAN);

        // Set the calendar members
        v =                 ts->tm_year + 1900;
        date->cal_era =     (v > 0 ? _CAL_ERA_COMMON : _CAL_ERA_COMMON+1);
        date->cal_year =    (v > 0 ? v : -v + 1);
        date->cal_mon =     ts->tm_mon + 1;
        date->cal_mday =    ts->tm_mday;
        date->cal_yday =    ts->tm_yday + 1;
        v =                 (ts->tm_wday != 0 ? ts->tm_wday : 7);
        date->cal_wday =    v;
        date->cal_week =    (ts->tm_yday - v + 7+4)/7;      // Simplified
        date->cal_hour =    ts->tm_hour;
        date->cal_min =     ts->tm_min;
        date->cal_sec =     ts->tm_sec;
        date->cal_nsec =    0;                  // Unknown, assume zero
        v =                 ts->tm_isdst;
        date->cal_dsti =    (v < 0 ? -1 : v > 0 ? 1 : 0);
        date->cal_zone =    NULL;               // Unknown, assume UTC

Example 6

The following function converts calendar dates from structure type calendar to structure type tm.

    #include <stdtime.h>
    #include <time.h>

    // Convert a 'calendar' struct into a 'tm' struct
    int calendar_to_tm(struct tm *ts, const struct calendar *date)
        int     v;

        // Validate the calendar date object
        if (date->cal_type != _CAL_TYPE_GREGORIAN)
            return -1;

        // Check for special dates
        if (date->cal_year == _CAL_YR_ERROR)
            return -1;

        // Set the tm members
        v =             date->cal_year;
        v =             (date->cal_era == _CAL_ERA_COMMON ? v : -v+1);
        ts->tm_year =   v - 1900;
        ts->tm_mon =    date->cal_mon - 1;
        ts->tm_mday =   date->cal_mday;
        ts->tm_yday =   date->cal_yday - 1;
        ts->tm_wday =   date->cal_wday % 7;
        ts->tm_hour =   date->cal_hour;
        ts->tm_min =    date->cal_min;
        ts->tm_sec =    date->cal_sec;

        v = 0;
        if (date->cal_zone != NULL)
            v = date->cal_zone->tz_z[date->cal_dsti].z_dst;
        ts->tm_isdst = v;

        return 0;


 Appendix A – Further Discussion

A completely new header (<stdtime.h>) is proposed in order to reduce the impact that the proposed functions will have on existing code. The new header alone does not eliminate conflicts between user code and the standard runtime library, but it does help isolate the new additions to the library.

The alternative is to add the proposed types, constants, and functions to the existing <time.h> header.

It was considered giving the calendar structure a different name, such as tmx, tm2, or _date. The actual name presented in this proposal is unimportant, since it is a fairly arbitrary choice that can be made by the ISO committee at a later time.

The proposed type and function names in this proposal intrude into the user namespace. The proposed constants all begin with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter, and do not intrude into the user namespace. The final choice of names is arbitrary and can be finalized by the ISO committee.

A previous revision of this proposal defined xx_vers members in each of the proposed structures, specifying the revision number of each structure type. This was supposed to have made it easier to make changes to these structures in future revisions of the standard library, with an eye towards providing binary backward compatibility.

However, it was felt that these members were a bit overdesigned, having no basis in prior art in the existing ISO C standard, and they were subsequently removed.

It was considered making the cal_type member be a pointer to a calendarinfo structure instead of an integer type number. However, this scheme has the disadvantage of making it more likely that a program execution error could occur if that member has been corrupted. (Checking for a null value is easy, but checking for a non-null but erroneous pointer value is not a simple matter.)

While using a pointer would have made it somewhat easier to access the calendric information for a date object, it was felt that the use of a simple integer value was safer, and that it was not really all that difficult to use the integer value to retrieve the calendric information (using the getcalendarinfo() function).

There is no proposed function for retrieving a calendarinfo object for a given calendric system by name.

It was felt that providing such a function would be overkill, since it is rather trivial to first initialize a calendar object by name, and then use its cal_type member to retrieve the appropriate calendarinfo object. (See the example provided in the description of the getcalendarinfo() function.)

There are no proposed functions for converting a calendar object into a tm object or vice versa. See Example 5 and Example 6 for code that does this.

The cal_zone member is defined as a pointer to a const timezone object. The intent is to allow multiple calendar objects to share the same timezone object. Defining the pointer as a const pointer simplifies the requirements by eliminating the need for explicit malloc() and free() calls.

An alternative approach is to define the cal_zone member as a timezone structure, being nested inside the calendar object. This approach eliminates any possibility of dangling pointers (which could arise if the timezone object pointed to by a given cal_zone member is deallocated without setting the member pointer to null), but at the cost of making the calendar structure much larger.

It is also possible to completely remove the cal_zone member. This is possible because all of the proposed functions that require a timezone object for their operation in fact take a timezone parameter (or two). The argument passed for these parameters is usually identical to the cal_zone member of the date object that is also passed to the functions.

The BSD and GNU standard C libraries add a non-standard tm_gmtoff member to the tm structure, which specifies the offset from UTC of the time represented by the structure. This same functionality is provided by the proposed cal_zone member.

The existing LC_TIME setting affects the operation of the calendarformat() function. There may need to be additions made to the locale to support calendar settings and attributes, which would affect the operation of the initcalendar() function and possibly others.

The eventual names of the calendarformat() function and the calendarscanf() function should probably be chosen to reflect their inverse relationship with each other. This is similar to the existing pairing of names for the printf()/scanf() and strftime()/strptime() functions.

It was considered making the cal_era member be a pointer to a constant static string, such as "AD" or "BCE". However, it was felt that it would be more useful and less complicated for the implementation if the member is simply an integer.

It was considered making the members of the calendar structure that are type int (with the possible exception of the cal_year member) be defined as type short instead, in order to reduce the total size of the structure. The complicating factor here is how to handle member values that exceed their normal ranges, such as the values they might acquire immediately prior to being normalized by a call to the mklongtime() function. Also, the size of the structire seems like a relatively unimportant concern.

It was considered defining the various structure members to be type int16_t and int32_t. However, this would complicate the use of the members because it implies the use of the <inttypes.h> header, and it adds the need for explicit casts in many circumstances. Consider how it would complicate the following function calls, for example:
    sscanf(buf, "%d %d %d",
        &c.cal_year, &c.cal_mon, &c.cal_mday);
        c.cal_year, c.cal_mon, c.cal_mday);


 Appendix B – Other Proposed Types

This proposal is written in concert with two other proposals which define the timezone structure (Proposal [P1]) and the longtime_t type (Proposal [P2]).

Some of the functions defined in this proposal make use of these types. If these other proposed types are not adopted by ISO C, the functions defined in this proposal can be replaced with functions taking equivalent arguments of types that are already defined in the standard <time.h> header.

Specifically, these functions:

    longtime_t  mklongtime(const struct calendar *date, const timezone *zone);

    int         setcalendartime(struct calendar *date,
                    const struct timezone *zone, longtime_t t);
can be replaced with the functionally equivalent definitions:
    time_t      calendartime(const struct calendar *date,
                    const timezone *zone);
    // Returns (time_t)(-1) on failure.

    int         setcalendartime(struct calendar *date,
                    const struct timezone *zone, time_t t);



Day, n.
A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent. This period is divided into two parts, the day proper and the night, or day improper — the former devoted to sins of business, the latter consecrated to the other sort. These two kinds of social activity overlap.

— Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911

[1]  ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E)
Programming Language C
Second edition, Dec 1999, ISO/IEC.
Available at

[2]  ISO/IEC 9899:201X
Programming Language C
Committee Draft, Mar 2009, ISO/IEC N1362.
Available in PDF format at

[3]  ISO 8601:2000(E)
Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange
– Representation of dates and times
Second edition, Dec 2000, ISO/IEC, TC 154.
Available at
A draft version in PDF format is at
(see also

[4]  ISO/IEC 14882:1998(E)
Programming Language C++
First edition, Sep 1998, ISO/IEC.
Available at

[5]  Java API Reference
Class java.util.Calendar,
Class java.util.TimeZone
Java 2 Standard Edition (SE) 1.4,
Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2001.,

[6]  The Calendar
The 5000-Year Struggle to Align the Clock and the Heavens
– and What Happened to the Missing Ten Days
David Ewing Duncan, 1998.
Fourth Estate Ltd., London, ISBN 1-85702-979-8.

[7]  Systems of Time
U.S. Naval Observatory – Time Service Department, Jun 1998.

[8]  Leap Seconds
U.S. Naval Observatory – Time Service Department, May 1999.

[9]  A Summary of the International Standard Date and Time Notation
Markus Kuhn, May 1996.

[10]  The Best of Dates, The Worst Of Dates
Gilbert Healton, 2002-02-15
A general summary of calendars, dates, and times from past to the present. This includes details on using ISO 8601 in and out of computers. Ends with information for software developers wanting to properly use dates and times.

[11]  Year Date and Time Calculation Index - How people and computers use dates and times
Gilbert Healton.

[12]  Technical Recommendation (Annex) ITU-R TF.460-5
Recommendation regarding the application of leap seconds to UTC time
International Telecommunication Union.

[13]  Daylight Saving Time
The history of daylight saving, from Benjamin Franklin to the present.

[14]  Calendars from the Sky
Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA), by WebExhibits.

[15]  ISO 8601 references
DMOZ, The Open Directory Project.

[16]  Frequently Asked Questions about Calendars
Claus Třndering, Oct 2001.

[17]  Wikipedia: Calendar

[18]  Wikipedia: Leap second

[19]  Wikipedia: Daylight Saving Time

[20]  Wikipedia: ISO 8601


 Related Proposals

[P1]  ISO C 201X Proposal: Timezone Functions
David R. Tribble, Jun 2004.
A related proposal specifying types and functions for managing timezone and Daylight Saving Time information. Defines the timezone structure used in the current proposal.

[P2]  ISO C 201X Proposal: Long Time Type
David R. Tribble, Jun 2004.
A related proposal specifying a long time type and supporting functions for manipulating system time values. Defines the longtime_t type used in the current proposal.

[P3]  Additional Constraints on time_t
David R. Tribble, Feb 2001.
A related proposal describing improvements to be made to the existing standard time_t library type.

[P4]  Proposal for an ISO C and C++ Extended-Range Time Type
David R. Tribble, Sep 1999.
An earlier proposal (since abandoned) for an extended-range, extended-precision system time type.

[P5]  Proposal for a Smoothed Coordinated Universal Time (UTS)
Markus Kuhn, Oct 2000.

[P6]  Proposed new <time.h> for ISO C 200X
Markus Kuhn, 2002.
A proposal for a properly engineered replacement for the <time.h> API.

[P7]  Modernized <time.h> API for ISO C
Paul Eggert, Jan 2000. A proposed extension to the standard C application programming interface (API) for time.

[P8]  A proposal for thread-safe time zone information
Jonathan Lennox, Columbia University, Jun 2001 (Version 2). A proposal for thread-safe time zone information, providing a set of extensions to ISO C99 and IEEE POSIX (200x).


 Source Code

The following source files provide a proof-of-concept implementation of this proposal.



My thanks to the people who gave helpful comments on earlier revisions of this document, especially to those individuals who emailed me suggestions and corrections or posted comments on the comp.std.c newsgroup.


 Revision History

2.4, 2009-10-01.
Added the requirement for the default Gregorian calendar to support leap seconds, to bring it in line with the longtime_t proposal.
Extended the minimum required range of years (cal_year) to cover an earlier minimum year number (AD 1601 instead of 1900), to parallel the range provided by the proposed longtime_t type.
Corrected the maximum required year number to AD 2400, which is the last year of the current 400-year Gregorian cycle.
Clarified the requirements for the cal_era and cal_year members.
Clarified the requirements for the ci_time_min and ci_time_max members.
Fixed the "big picture" diagram in the "Solutions" section.

2.3, 2009-08-25.
Updated the title from an ISO 200X to an ISO 201X proposal.
Added the "big picture" diagram in the "Solutions" section.
Added more intra-document links.
Improved section headers and paging.
Changed the "%f" and "%s" format specifiers of the calendarformat() function to "%Q" and "%f".
Added references to Wikipedia articles.

2.2, 2006-06-12.
Changed the semantics of the cal_week member to agree with the rules of ISO 8601 and the "%V" format specifier of strftime().
Cleaned up the definition and examples of the "%Z" format specifier of the calendarformat() function.
Replaced references to "GMT" with "UTC".
Replaced most instances of "broken-down time" with "componentized date".
Fixed some example functions.

2.1, 2006-03-12.
Added member cal_leapsec to the calendar structure.

2.0, 2004-08-15.
Completely rewritten.
Simplified by removing unnecessary functions.
Removed all leading underscores from type and function names.
All proposed constants, types, variables, and functions reside in a new <stdtime.h> header.
Integrated types and functions with the proposed longtime_t type.
Removed the calendardelta structure, combining some of its members into the calendar structure.
Simplified the use of the timezone structure.

1.6, 2002-06-10.
This previous revision can be found at:

This document is in the public domain, and is not subject to any copyright restrictions.

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