Interface Summary | |
CharI | Generic source character. |
CharInputStreamI | Generic character input stream. |
DebugWriterI | Debugging (tracing) message output stream. |
DiagnosticOutputI | Diagnostic message (informational, warning, and error messages) output stream. |
DiagnosticWriterI | Interface for objects that write diagnostic messages (informational, warning, and error messages) to a diagnostic output stream. |
FileCacheManagerI | Document file cache manager. |
LexerI | Generic lexical analyzer (lexer) interface. |
LineInputStreamI | Generic text line input stream interface. |
Lock | Primitive lock interface. |
LoggerI | Message logger (logging output stream). |
Lr1ParserI | Generic LR(1) parser interface. |
Lr1ParserTablesI | Generic LR(1) parser tables interface. |
ParserI | Generic parser interface. |
ParserWithParseTreeI | Generic parser interface. |
ParserWithSymbolTableI | Generic parser interface. |
ParseTreeI | Generic parse tree interface. |
SuspendableWriterI | A character output stream that can be suspended and resumed. |
SymbolI | Generic symbol interface (i.e., an entry in a symbol table). |
SymbolTableI | Generic symbol table interface. |
TextLineI | Generic numbered text line interface. |
TokenI | Generic lexical token interface. |
TraceableI | Debug tracing interface. |
Class Summary | |
ASALineWriter | ASA line printer output stream. |
Base64DecoderInputStream | Base-64 decoding input stream. |
Base64DecoderOutputStream | Base-64 decoding output stream. |
Base64EncoderInputStream | Base-64 encoding input stream. |
Base64EncoderOutputStream | Base-64 encoding output stream. |
CharDfl | Default generic source character. |
CharInputStreamDfl | Default generic character input stream. |
CharReader | Generic character input stream. |
DebugWriter | Debugging (tracing) message output stream. |
DeflaterInputStream | Implements an input stream filter for compressing data in the "deflate" compression format. |
DiagnosticOutputDfl | Diagnostic message (informational, warning, and error messages) output stream. |
DiskCacheFile | Disk cached document file. |
DiskCacheManager | Disk file cache manager. |
DiskCacheTest | Disk file cache manager test driver. |
Filename | Enhanced abstract pathname (filename). |
InflaterOutputStream | Implements an output stream filter for uncompressing data stored in the "deflate" compression format. |
LexerAdapter | Generic lexical analyzer (lexer) adapter. |
LineInputStream | Generic text line input stream interface. |
LineReader | Text line reader. |
LineToCharInputStream | Input stream which converts lines of text into single characters. |
LockFile | Lock file. |
Logger | Message logger (logging output stream). |
Lr1Parser | Generic LR(1) parser. |
MultiOutputStream | Multiple output stream. |
NullInputStream | Null input stream. |
NullOutputStream | Null output stream (data sink). |
OutputStreamMerger | Output stream funnel. |
PassThruReader | Pass-through character reader stream. |
PassThruWriter | Pass-through character writer stream. |
ReaderInputStream | Pass-through character reader stream. |
StackedReader | Push-down stack of input reader streams. |
StreamCopier | Simple stream copying methods. |
SuspendablePrintWriter | A character print output stream that can be suspended and resumed. |
SuspendableWriter | A character output stream that can be suspended and resumed. |
TextLine | Generic numbered text line. |
TokenAdapter | Default generic lexical token implementation. |
UrlTyper | Simple URL reader. |
WriterOutputStream | Pass-through character writer stream. |