Commonly Misspelled Words |
Author: | David R. Tribble |
Version: | 1.9, 2007-02-03 |
These may the the most misspelled words in English. It's easy to remember when its should be used, since it's one of these possessives:
Larger numbers (having more than one digit) can be represented either way. For example, both the form "There were 12 'A' students in the class of 500" and the form "There were twelve 'A' students in the class of five hundred" are proper.
However, large numbers with many non-zero digits look awkward when spelled out completely. Thus the form "The bank hired 452 tellers" is preferred over the form "The bank hired four hundred and fifty-two tellers." As a general rule, if a number is pronounced with more than three syllables, it is probably better to use the shorter (numeric) form.
These rules also apply to ordinal numbers, so that a sentence like "The 2nd liar never stands a chance" is improper, and should be replaced with "The second liar never stands a chance."
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