Honalee LR Parsing Algorithm
Example 3

Revision: 1.1, 2006-01-01
Author: David R. Tribble (david@tribble.com)


This document depicts the various stages of the Honalee LR parser generator algorithm as it generates the item sets for a particular sample grammar.


The following is an LR(2) grammar.

%token	num  id
%token	'('  ')'
%token	'*'
%token	'+'
%token	','
%token	';'

r0.  $accept     : Expr...
r1.  Expr...     : %empty
r2.  Expr...     : Expr... Expr ';'         %prec ';'
r3.  Parm        : Expr
r4.  Parm...     : Parm
r5.  Parm...     : Parm... ',' Expr         %prec ','
r6.  Opt.Parm... : %empty
r7.  Opt.Parm... : Parm...
r8.  Term        : num                      %prec num
r9.  Term        : id                       %prec id
r11. Term        : '(' Expr ')'             %prec ')'
r10. Term        : id '(' Opt.Parm... ')'   %prec ')'
r12. Factor      : Term
r13. Factor      : Factor '*' Term          %prec '*'
r14. Expr        : Factor
r16. Expr        : Expr '+' Factor          %prec '+'
r15. Expr        : '+' Factor               %prec '+'

First Sets

The following First sets (with one-symbol look-ahead) are generated from the grammar:

First($accept)     = { $epsilon, num, id, '(', '+' }
First(Expr...)     = { $epsilon, num, id, '(', '+' }
First(Parm)        = { num, id, '(', '+' }
First(Parm...)     = { num, id, '(', '+' }
First(Opt.Parm...) = { $epsilon, num, id, '(', '+' }
First(Term)        = { num, id, '(' } 
First(Factor)      = { num, id, '(' }
First(Expr)        = { num, id, '(', '+' }

Algorithm Execution

The algorithm is started by first initializing all of the lists and counters. The state of the algorithm at any point in time is represented by the following elements:

toDoList: - empty
doneList: - empty
incList:  - empty
comeFrom: - null

Prior to entering the main loop of the algorithm, the initial item set i0 is created from the augmented grammar rule (r0). (As each new item set is created, it is shown with a name of xN.)

x0.  initial item set
  [$accept -> . S,  $end]*  (-, -)

Item set x0 is then appended to the to-do list. Since the to-do list is initially empty , item set x0 becomes the sole element of the list. The state of the algorithm now looks like this:

toDoList: x0
doneList: -
incList:  -
comeFrom: -

Iteration 1

The main loop of the algorithm then begins. Phase 1 of the first iteration pops the first item set from the to-do list, which is set x0.

Phase 1 generates all of the closure items for set x0, which looks like:

x0.  initial item set
  [$accept -> . S,      $end]*  (-, -)
  [S       -> . b B d,  'b' ]   (-, -)

There are no reduction items to mark in phase 1, and there are no other sets in the done list that it could be merged with. Item set x0 is then appended to the incomplete list, which is just the set of tail elements of the done (completed) list. As an item set x0 is moved to the incomplete list, it is renamed to i0, and it becomes an official item set of the grammar. At this point, the state of the algorithm is:

toDoList: -
doneList: -
incList:  i0
comeFrom: -

Next, phase 2 of the first iteration examines the first set in the incomplete list, which is again item set i0. New transition item sets are generated from this set, each set being composed of new kernel items created by shifting groups of the same transition symbol in the generating items:


Final Results

The final state of the algorithm is:

toDoList: -
doneList: i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13
incList:  -
comeFrom: i8

The following item sets are generated as the final results of the algorithm:

- - - ---NEW---
i0. initial item set
  [$accept     -> . Expr...,                 $end]*  (Expr...,     i1)
  [Expr...     -> .,                         $end]   ($end,        r1)
  [Expr...     -> .,                         num ]   (num,         r1)
  [Expr...     -> .,                         id  ]   (id,          r1)
  [Expr...     -> .,                         '(' ]   ('(',         r1)
  [Expr...     -> .,                         '+' ]   ('+',         r1)
  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        $end]   (Expr...,     i1)
  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        num ]   (Expr...,     i1)
  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        id  ]   (Expr...,     i1)
  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        '(' ]   (Expr...,     i1)
  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        '+' ]   (Expr...,     i1)

i1. goto(Expr...), from i1
  [$accept     -> Expr... .,                 $end]*  ($end,        accept)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        $end]*  (Expr,        i2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        num ]*  (Expr,        i2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        id  ]*  (Expr,        i2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        '(' ]*  (Expr,        i2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        '+' ]*  (Expr,        i2)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ';' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ';' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ';' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ';' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ';' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              '+' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ';' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         '+' ]   (Expr,        i2)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ';' ]   (Expr,        i2)

i2. goto(Expr), from i1,?
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        $end]*  (';',         i9)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        num ]*  (';',         i9)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        id  ]*  (';',         i9)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        '(' ]*  (';',         i9)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        '+' ]*  (';',         i9)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ';' ]*  ('+',         i10)

i3. goto(num), from i1,?
  [Term        -> num .,                     ')' (num)]*  (')',         r8)
  [Term        -> num .,                     '*' (num)]*  ('*',         r8)
  [Term        -> num .,                     '+' (num)]*  ('+',         r8)
  [Term        -> num .,                     ',' (num)]*  (',',         r8)
  [Term        -> num .,                     ';' (num)]*  (';',         r8)

i4. goto(id), from i1,?
  [Term        -> id .,                      ')' (id)]*  (')',         r9)
  [Term        -> id .,                      '*' (id)]*  ('*',         r9)
  [Term        -> id .,                      '+' (id)]*  ('+',         r9)
  [Term        -> id .,                      ',' (id)]*  (',',         r9)
  [Term        -> id .,                      ';' (id)]*  (';',         r9)
  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]*  (-, -)
  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]*  ('(',         i11)
  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]*  ('(',         i11)
  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ',' ]*  (-, -)
  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]*  ('(',         i11)

i5. goto('('), from i1,?
  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ')' ]*  (-, -)
  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            '*' ]*  (Expr,        i12)
  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            '+' ]*  (Expr,        i12)
  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ',' ]*  (-, -)
  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ';' ]*  (Expr,        i12)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              '+' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ')' ]   (Expr,        i12)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         '+' ]   (Expr,        i12)

i6. goto(Term), from i1,?
  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ')' ]*  (')',         r12)
  [Factor      -> Term .,                    '*' ]*  ('*',         r12)
  [Factor      -> Term .,                    '+' ]*  ('+',         r12)
  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ',' ]*  (',',         r12)
  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ';' ]*  (';',         r12)

i7. goto(Factor), from i1,?
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ')' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ',' ]*  (-, -)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ')' ]*  (')',         r14)
  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  '+' ]*  ('+',         r14)
  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ',' ]*  (',',         r14)
  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ';' ]*  (';',         r14)

i8. goto('+'), from i1,?
  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ')' ]*  (Factor,      i14)
  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              '+' ]*  (Factor,      i14)
  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ',' ]*  (-, -)
  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ';' ]*  (Factor,      i14)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ';' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ';' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ';' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')' ]   (Factor,      i14)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i14)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i14)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ';' ]   (Factor,      i14)

i9. goto(';'), from i2,?
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        $end (';')]*  ($end, r2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        num (';')]*  (num,         r2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        id (';')]*  (id,          r2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        '(' (';')]*  ('(',         r2)
  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        '+' (';')]*  ('+',         r2)

i10. goto('+'), from i2,?
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ')' ]*  (-, -)
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         '+' ]*  (Factor,      i15)
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ',' ]*  (-, -)
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ';' ]*  (Factor,      i15)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ';' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ';' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ';' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i15)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i15)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ',' ]   (-, -)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ';' ]   (Factor,      i15)

i11. goto('('), from ?
  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]*  (Opt.Parm..., i16)
  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]*  (Opt.Parm..., i16)
  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]*  (Opt.Parm..., i16)
  [Parm        -> . Expr,                    ')' ]   (Expr,        i17)
  [Parm        -> . Expr,                    ',' ]   (Expr,        i17)
  [Parm...     -> . Parm,                    ')' ]   (Parm,        i18)
  [Parm...     -> . Parm,                    ',' ]   (Parm,        i18)
  [Parm...     -> . Parm... ',' Expr,        ')' ]   (Parm...,     i19)
  [Parm...     -> . Parm... ',' Expr,        ',' ]   (Parm...,     i19)
  [Opt.Parm... -> .,                         ')' ]   (')',         r6)
  [Opt.Parm... -> . Parm...,                 ')' ]   (Parm...,     i19)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ',' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ',' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ',' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ',' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ',' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ',' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ',' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              '+' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ',' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ')' ]   (Expr,        i17)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         '+' ]   (Expr,        i17)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ',' ]   (Expr,        i17)
i12. goto(Expr), from ?
  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            '*' ]*  (')',         i20)
  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            '+' ]*  (')',         i20)
  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            ';' ]*  (')',         i20)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+' ]*  ('+',         i10)
i13. goto('*'), from ?
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         ')' ]*  (Term,        i21)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         '*' ]*  (Term,        i21)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         '+' ]*  (Term,        i21)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         ';' ]*  (Term,        i21)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ';' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ';' ]   ('(',         i5)
i14. goto(Factor), from ?
  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              ')' ('+')]*  (')',         r15)
  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              '+' ('+')]*  ('+',         r15)
  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              ';' ('+')]*  (';',         r15)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ')' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';' ]*  ('*',         i13)
i15. goto(Factor), from ?
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' Factor .,         '+' ('+')]*  ('+',         r16)
  [Expr        -> Expr '+' Factor .,         ';' ('+')]*  (';',         r16)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+' ]*  ('*',         i13)
  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';' ]*  ('*',         i13)
i16. goto(Opt.Parm...), from ?
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  '*' ]*  (')',         i22)
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  '+' ]*  (')',         i22)
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  ';' ]*  (')',         i22)
i17. goto(Expr), from ?
  [Parm        -> Expr .,                    ')' ]*  (')',         r3)
  [Parm        -> Expr .,                    ',' ]*  (',',         r3)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ',' ]*  ('+',         i10)
i18. goto(Parm), from ?
  [Parm...     -> Parm .,                    ')' ]*  (')',         r4)
  [Parm...     -> Parm .,                    ',' ]*  (',',         r4)
i19. goto(Parm...), from ?
  [Parm...     -> Parm... . ',' Expr,        ')' ]*  (',',         i23)
  [Parm...     -> Parm... . ',' Expr,        ',' ]*  (',',         i23)
  [Opt.Parm... -> Parm... .,                 ')' ]*  (')',         r7)
i20. goto(')'), from ?
  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            '*' (')')]*  ('*',         r11)
  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            '+' (')')]*  ('+',         r11)
  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            ';' (')')]*  (';',         r11)
i21. goto(Term), from ?
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         ')' ('*')]*  (')',         r13)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         '*' ('*')]*  ('*',         r13)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         '+' ('*')]*  ('+',         r13)
  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         ';' ('*')]*  (';',         r13)
i22. goto(')'), from ?
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  '*' (')')]*  ('*',         r10)
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  '+' (')')]*  ('+',         r10)
  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  ';' (')')]*  (';',         r10)
i23. goto(','), from ?
  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' . Expr,        ')' ]*  (Expr,        i24)
  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' . Expr,        ',' ]*  (Expr,        i24)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ')' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '*' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     '+' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . num,                     ',' ]   (num,         i3)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id,                      ',' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . id '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ',' ]   (id,          i4)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '+' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ',' ]   ('(',         i5)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '+' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ',' ]   (Term,        i6)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ',' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ')' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  '+' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . Factor,                  ',' ]   (Factor,      i7)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              '+' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ',' ]   ('+',         i8)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ')' ]   (Expr,        i24)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         '+' ]   (Expr,        i24)
  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ',' ]   (Expr,        i24)
i24. goto(Expr), from ?
  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' Expr .,        ')' (',')]*  (')',         r5)
  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' Expr .,        ',' (',')]*  (',',         r5)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+' ]*  ('+',         i10)
  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ',' ]*  ('+',         i10)

  Terminal/token symbols .: 8 (0 unused)
  Nonterminal/LHS symbols : 7 (0 unused)
  Grammar rules ..........: 16 (0 unused)
  Parser states ..........: 25
  Duplicated states ......: 20
  Merged states ..........: 14
  Unmerged states ........: 0
  State kernel items .....: 245
  State closure items ....: 488
  Item sets ..............: 25; 28 reuses; 6 max cached
  Kernel items ...........: 115; 100 reuses; 30 max cached
  Items ..................: 696; 480 reuses; 25 max cached
  State transitions ......: 75
  Defaulted transitions ..: 52
  Shift/reduce conflicts .: 0
  Reduce/reduce conflicts : 0

- - - ---OLD---
|o0. initial set
|  [$accept     -> . Expr...,                 $end]*  (Expr..., o1)
|  [Expr...     -> .,                         $end]   ($end, r1)
|  [Expr...     -> .,                         num]    (num, r1)
|  [Expr...     -> .,                         id  ]     (id, r1)
|  [Expr...     -> .,                         '(']    ('(', r1)
|  [Expr...     -> .,                         '+']    ('+', r1)
|  [Expr...     -> . Expr... Expr ';',        $end]   (Expr..., o1)
|o1. goto(Expr...) from o0
|  [$accept     -> Expr... .,                 $end]*  ($end, accept)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        $end]*  (Expr, o8)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        num]*   (Expr, o8)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        id  ]*    (Expr, o8)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        '(']*   (Expr, o8)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... . Expr ';',        '+']*   (Expr, o8)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     '*']    (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      '*']    (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*']    ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*']    (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*']    (Factor, o12)
|  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              '+']    ('+', o3)
|  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         '+']    (Expr, o8)
|o2. goto('(') from o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7
|  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ')']*  (-, -)
|  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            '*']*  (Expr, o14)
|  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            '+']*  (Expr, o14)
|  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ',']*  (-, -)
|  [Term        -> '(' . Expr ')',            ';']*  (Expr, o14)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     ')']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      ')']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')']   ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')']   (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')']   (Factor, o12)
|  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')']   ('+', o3)
|  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ')']   (Expr, o14)
|o3. goto('+') from o1,o2,o5,o7
|  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ')']*  (Factor, o15)
|  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              '+']*  (Factor, o15)
|  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ',']*  (-, -)
|  [Expr        -> '+' . Factor,              ';']*  (Factor, o15)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     ')']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      ')']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')']   ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')']   (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')']   (Factor, o15)
|o4. goto('+') from o8,o14,o18,o24
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ')']*  (-, -)
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         '+']*  (Factor, o16)
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ',']*  (-, -)
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' . Factor,         ';']*  (Factor, o16)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     '*']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      '*']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            '*']   ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    '*']   (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         '*']   (Factor, o16)
|o5. goto('(') from o10
|  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  '*']*  (Opt.Parm..., o17)
|  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  '+']*  (Opt.Parm..., o17)
|  [Term        -> id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')',  ';']*  (Opt.Parm..., o17)
|  [Parm        -> . Expr,                    ')']   (Expr, o18)
|  [Parm...     -> . Parm,                    ')']   (Parm, o19)
|  [Parm...     -> . Parm... ',' Expr,        ')']   (Parm..., o20)
|  [Opt.Parm... -> .,                         ')']   (')', r6)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     ')']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      ')']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')']   ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')']   (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')']   (Factor, o12)
|  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')']   ('+', o3)
|o6. goto('*') from o12,o15,o16
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         ')']*  (Term, o22)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         '*']*  (Term, o22)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         '+']*  (Term, o22)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' . Term,         ';']*  (Term, o22)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     ')']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      ')']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')']   ('(', o2)
|o7. goto(',') from o20
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' . Expr,        ')']*  (Expr, o24)
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' . Expr,        ',']*  (Expr, o24)
|  [Term        -> . num,                     ')']   (num, o9)
|  [Term        -> . id,                      ')']   (id, o10)
|  [Term        -> . '(' Expr ')',            ')']   ('(', o2)
|  [Factor      -> . Term,                    ')']   (Term, o11)
|  [Factor      -> . Factor '*' Term,         ')']   (Factor, o12)
|  [Expr        -> . '+' Factor,              ')']   ('+', o3)
|  [Expr        -> . Expr '+' Factor,         ')']   (Expr, o24)
|o8. goto(Expr) from o1
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        $end]*  (';', o13)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        num]*   (';', o13)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        id  ]*    (';', o13)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        '(']*   (';', o13)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr . ';',        '+']*   (';', o13)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+']*   ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ';']*   ('+', o4)
|o9. goto(num) from o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7
|  [Term        -> num .,                     ')' (num)]*  (')', r8)
|  [Term        -> num .,                     '*' (num)]*  ('*', r8)
|  [Term        -> num .,                     '+' (num)]*  ('+', r8)
|  [Term        -> num .,                     ',' (num)]*  (',', r8)
|  [Term        -> num .,                     ';' (num)]*  (';', r8)
|o10. goto(id) from o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7
|  [Term        -> id .,                      ')' (id)]*  (')', r9)
|  [Term        -> id .,                      '*' (id)]*  ('*', r9)
|  [Term        -> id .,                      '+' (id)]*  ('+', r9)
|  [Term        -> id .,                      ',' (id)]*  (',', r9)
|  [Term        -> id .,                      ';' (id)]*  (';', r9)
|  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ')'     ]*  (-, -)
|  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '*'     ]*  ('(', o5)
|  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  '+'     ]*  ('(', o5)
|  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ','     ]*  (-, -)
|  [Term        -> id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')',  ';'     ]*  ('(', o5)
|o11. goto(Term) from o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o7
|  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ')']*  (')', r12)
|  [Factor      -> Term .,                    '*']*  ('*', r12)
|  [Factor      -> Term .,                    '+']*  ('+', r12)
|  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ',']*  (',', r12)
|  [Factor      -> Term .,                    ';']*  (';', r12)
|o12. goto(Factor) from o1,o2,o5,o7
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ')']*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*']*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+']*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ',']*  (-, -)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';']*  ('*', o6)
|  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ')']*  (')', r14)
|  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  '+']*  ('+', r14)
|  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ',']*  (',', r14)
|  [Expr        -> Factor .,                  ';']*  (';', r14)
|o13. goto(';') from o8
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        $end (';')]*  ($end, r2)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        num (';') ]*  (num, r2)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        id (';')  ]*  (id, r2)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        '(' (';') ]*  ('(', r2)
|  [Expr...     -> Expr... Expr ';' .,        '+' (';') ]*  ('+', r2)
|o14. goto(Expr) from o2
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            '*']*  (')', o21)
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            '+']*  (')', o21)
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr . ')',            ';']*  (')', o21)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')']*  ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+']*  ('+', o4)
|o15. goto(Factor) from o3
|  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              ')' ('+')]*  (')', r15)
|  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              '+' ('+')]*  ('+', r15)
|  [Expr        -> '+' Factor .,              ';' ('+')]*  (';', r15)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ')'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|o16. goto(Factor) from o4
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' Factor .,         '+' ('+')]*  ('+', r16)
|  [Expr        -> Expr '+' Factor .,         ';' ('+')]*  (';', r16)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '*'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         '+'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|  [Factor      -> Factor . '*' Term,         ';'      ]*  ('*', o6)
|o17. goto(Opt.Parm...) from o5
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  '*']*  (')', o23)
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  '+']*  (')', o23)
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')',  ';']*  (')', o23)
|o18. goto(Expr) from o5
|  [Parm        -> Expr .,                    ')']*  (')', r3)
|  [Parm        -> Expr .,                    ',']*  (',', r3)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')']*  ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+']*  ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ',']*  ('+', o4)
|o19. goto(Parm) from o5
|  [Parm...     -> Parm .,                    ')']*  (')', r4)
|  [Parm...     -> Parm .,                    ',']*  (',', r4)
|o20. goto(Parm...) from o5
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... . ',' Expr,        ')']*  (',', o7)
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... . ',' Expr,        ',']*  (',', o7)
|  [Opt.Parm... -> Parm... .,                 ')']*  (')', r7)
|o21. goto(')') from o14
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            '*' (')')]*  ('*', r11)
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            '+' (')')]*  ('+', r11)
|  [Term        -> '(' Expr ')' .,            ';' (')')]*  (';', r11)
|o22. goto(Term) from o6
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         ')' ('*')]*  (')', r13)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         '*' ('*')]*  ('*', r13)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         '+' ('*')]*  ('+', r13)
|  [Factor      -> Factor '*' Term .,         ';' ('*')]*  (';', r13)
|o23. goto(')') from o17
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  '*' (')')]*  ('*', r10)
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  '+' (')')]*  ('+', r10)
|  [Term        -> id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .,  ';' (')')]*  (';', r10)
|o24. goto(Expr) from o7
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' Expr .,        ')' (',')]*  (')', r5)
|  [Parm...     -> Parm... ',' Expr .,        ',' (',')]*  (',', r5)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ')'      ]*  ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         '+'      ]*  ('+', o4)
|  [Expr        -> Expr . '+' Factor,         ','      ]*  ('+', o4)

+REDO There is exactly one more item set (i9) for this LR(1) grammar (a total of 14 item sets) than would have been produced by an LALR(1) algorithm (13 sets). But unlike the LALR item sets, which would have a reduce/reduce conflict in the item set created by merging sets i6 and i9, the two sets are not merged, and thus are able to properly handle the LR(1) look-ahead context necessary to distinguish between the two reductions of those sets.

state 0
  $accept : . Expr...
  Expr... : .  (r1)

  $any  reduce 1

  Expr...  goto 1

state 1
  $accept : Expr... .  (accept)
  Expr... : Expr... . Expr ';'

  $end  accept
  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  '+'  shift 8
  $other  error

  Expr  goto 2
  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 7

state 2
  Expr... : Expr... Expr . ';'
  Expr : Expr . '+' Factor

  '+'  shift 10
  ';'  shift 9
  $other  error

state 3
  Term : num .  (r8)

  $any  reduce 8

state 4
  Term : id .  (r9)
  Term : id . '(' Opt.Parm... ')'

  '('  shift 11
  $other  reduce 9

state 5
  Term : '(' . Expr ')'

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  '+'  shift 8
  $other  error

  Expr  goto 12
  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 7

state 6
  Factor : Term .  (r12)

  $any  reduce 12

state 7
  Factor : Factor . '*' Term
  Expr : Factor .  (r14)

  '*'  shift 13
  $other  reduce 14

state 8
  Expr : '+' . Factor

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  $other  error

  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 14

state 9
  Expr... : Expr... Expr ';' .  (r2)

  $any  reduce 2

state 10
  Expr : Expr '+' . Factor

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  $other  error

  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 15

state 11
  Term : id '(' . Opt.Parm... ')'
  Opt.Parm... : .  (r6)

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  '+'  shift 8
  $other  reduce 6

  Expr  goto 17
  Parm  goto 18
  Parm...  goto 19
  Opt.Parm...  goto 16
  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 7

state 12
  Term : '(' Expr . ')'
  Expr : Expr . '+' Factor

  ')'  shift 20
  '+'  shift 10
  $other  error

state 13
  Factor : Factor '*' . Term

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  $other  error

  Term  goto 21

state 14
  Expr : '+' Factor .  (r15)
  Factor : Factor . '*' Term

  '*'  shift 13
  $other  reduce 15

state 15
  Expr : Expr '+' Factor .  (r16)
  Factor : Factor . '*' Term

  '*'  shift 13
  $other  reduce 16

state 16
  Term : id '(' Opt.Parm... . ')'

  ')'  shift 22
  $other  error

state 17
  Parm : Expr .  (r3)
  Expr : Expr . '+' Factor

  '+'  shift 10
  $other  reduce 3

state 18
  Parm... : Parm .  (r4)

  $any  reduce 4

state 19
  Parm... : Parm... . ',' Expr
  Opt.Parm... : Parm... .  (r7)

  ','  shift 23
  $other  reduce 7

state 20
  Term : '(' Expr ')' .  (r11)

  $any  reduce 11

state 21
  Factor : Factor '*' Term .  (r13)

  $any  reduce 13

state 22
  Term : id '(' Opt.Parm... ')' .  (r10)

  $any  reduce 10

state 23
  Parm... : Parm... ',' . Expr

  num  shift 3
  id  shift 4
  '('  shift 5
  '+'  shift 8
  $other  error

  Expr  goto 24
  Term  goto 6
  Factor  goto 7

state 24
  Parm... : Parm... ',' Expr .  (r5)
  Expr : Expr . '+' Factor

  '+'  shift 10
  $other  reduce 5

The Honalee LR Algorithm can be found at: honalee.html.
Previous example: honalee_ex2.html, Next example: honalee_ex4.html.
Author's home page: david.tribble.com

Copyright ©2006 by David R. Tribble, all rights reserved.
Permission is granted to reproduce this document in whole or in part provided that proper credit is given to the original author.