//============================================================================== // DocumentSearcherI.java //============================================================================== package tribble.search; // System imports import java.lang.Exception; import java.lang.String; import java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; // Local imports // (None) /******************************************************************************* * Generic document searcher. * *

* Implementations of this interface provide the capability of searching for * documents. The term document is used in a very generic sense, * referring to any object that contains data that can be read and/or written. * *

*    import tribble.search.*;
*    public class MyDocSearcher
*        implements tribble.search.DocumentSearcherI
*    {
*        ...
*    }
* *

* A document searcher allows client classes to apply a set of search * criteria in order to locate documents. Information about each found document * can then be retrieved, as well as it data contents. This model assumes a very * simple hierarchical arrangement of searchers being able to locate one * or more documents, each of which contains data of some sort. * *

* Examples of the kinds of entities handled by document searcher implementations * include: * *

  • * file system directories *
  • * ZIP archive files *
  • * LDAP directory services *
  • * JNDI naming services *
  • * FTP access services *
  • * etc. * * *

    * The find() method of a * document searcher object returns an enumeration which is used to interate * through the complete list of matching document entries found by the searcher. * *

    *    MyDocSearcher   src;
    *    Hashtable       props;
    *    MyNameFilter    filt;
    *    Enumeration     iter;
    *    // Create and initialize a new searcher object
    *    src = new MyDocSearcher(...);
    *    props = new Hashtable();
    *    props.put(..., ...);
    *    src.initialize(props);
    *    src.open(...);
    *    // Find zero or more documents
    *    filt = new MyNameFilter(...);
    *    iter = src.find(filt);
    *    // Iterate through the list of matching documents
    *    while (iter.hasMoreElements())
    *    {
    *        MyDoc   doc;
    *        // Get the next matching document
    *        doc = (MyDoc) iter.nextElement();
    *        ... process document 'doc' ...
    *    }
    * *

    * Some of the methods of this interface were modelled after the * {@link java.util.zip.ZipFile} class. * * * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2001/07/02 22:46:36 $ * @since 2001-02-27 * @author * David R. Tribble * (david@tribble.com). *
    * Copyright * ©2001 by David R. Tribble, all rights reserved.
    * * @see DocumentI * @see DocumentFilterI * @see DocumentStorerI */ public interface DocumentSearcherI { // Identification /** Revision information. */ static final String REV = "@(#)tribble/search/DocumentSearcherI.java $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2001/07/02 22:46:36 $\n"; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Public constants /** Series number. */ public static final int SERIES = 200; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Public methods /*************************************************************************** * Initialize this searcher. * *

    * This must be the first method to be called on this searcher object, prior * to calling the {@link #open} method. * *

    * The implementation of this interface may allow this method to be called * more than once. * * @param parms * A hash table containing name/value pairs with which to initialize this * document searcher. This argument may be allowed to be null, depending on * the implementation of this interface. * * @throws Exception * Thrown if the specified hash table entries are malformed, or if some other * error occurs. * * @see #open * * @since 1.1, 2001-05-01 */ public void initialize(Hashtable parms) throws Exception; /*************************************************************************** * Open a given search path for this searcher. * * @param path * The name of a path (which can be anything meaningfully interpreted as a * path, such as a filename or URL) specifying the location of the * searcher to open and search. * * @throws Exception * Thrown if the specified path does not exist or is not accessible, or if it * is malformed, or if some other error occurs. * * @see #close * @see #initialize * * @since 1.1, 2001-05-05 */ public void open(String path) throws Exception; /*************************************************************************** * Close this searcher. * *

    * This must be the last method to be called on this searcher object. * * @throws Exception * Thrown if an error occurs. * * @see #open * * @since 1.1, 2001-02-27 */ public void close() throws Exception; /*************************************************************************** * Locate and retrieve documents from this searcher matching given filtering * criteria. * *

    * It is up to the implementation of this interface whether this method * retrieves all of the matching documents at once or whether it retrieves * them one at a time through the enumeration that is returned. * * @param filt * A filter specifying document searching criteria. This can be null, in * which case all possible documents from this searcher are returned. * * @return * An enumeration of {@link DocumentI} objects representing the list of * documents found by this searcher, or null if there are no matching * documents to be found. * * @throws Exception * Thrown if the specified criteria are malformed, or if some other error * occurs. * * @since 1.2, 2001-06-15 */ public Enumeration find(DocumentFilterI filt) throws Exception; /*************************************************************************** * Determine if documents can be written to this searcher. * * @return * True if the {@link DocumentI#getOutputStream} method is supported by * document objects found by this searcher, otherwise false. * * @since 1.1, 2001-05-30 */ public boolean outputSupported(); } // End DocumentSearcherI.java